1 // ===========================================================================
2 // Imagine++ Libraries
3 // Copyright (C) Imagine
4 // For detailed information:
5 // ===========================================================================
7 namespace Imagine {
11  // ===============================================
12  // Scalings
22  template <typename T, int dim>
23  Image<T,dim> scaleUp(const Image<T,dim>&I,int fact)
24  {
25  Image<T,dim> I1(I.sizes() * fact);
26  // coordinates aware iterator
27  for (CoordsIterator<dim> r = I.coordsBegin() ; r != I.coordsEnd() ; ++r) {
28  Coords<dim> o=*r;
29  T b=I(o);
30  for (CoordsIterator<dim> zr(o * fact, o * fact + Coords<dim>(fact-1));zr!=I.coordsEnd();++zr){
31  I1(*zr)=b;
32  }
33  }
34  return I1;
35  }
44  template <typename T, int dim>
45  Image<T,dim> scaleDown(const Image<T,dim>&I,int fact)
46  {
47  Image<T,dim> I1(I.sizes()/fact);
48  // coordinates aware iterator
49  for (CoordsIterator<dim> r = I1.coordsBegin() ; r != I1.coordsEnd() ; ++r)
50  I1(*r)=I((*r)*fact);
51  return I1;
52  }
61  template <typename T, int dim>
62  Image<T,dim> reduce(const Image<T,dim>&I, int fact)
63  {
64  typedef typename PixelTraits<T>::template CastPixel<double>::value_type doubleT;
65  Coords<dim> d=I.sizes()/fact;
66  double nb=pow(double(fact),dim);
67  Image<T,dim> Ir(d);
68  for (CoordsIterator<dim> r = Ir.coordsBegin() ; r != Ir.coordsEnd() ; ++r) {
69  doubleT p(0.);
70  for (CoordsIterator<dim> r2((*r)*fact,((*r)*fact+Coords<dim>(fact-1))); r2!=CoordsIterator<dim>(); ++r2) {
71  p+=doubleT(I(*r2));
72  }
73  Ir(*r)=T(p/nb);
74  }
75  return Ir;
76  }
87  template <typename T, int dim>
88  Image<T,dim> reduce(const Image<T,dim>&I,Coords<dim> nd,bool keepRatio=false)
89  {
90  typedef typename PixelTraits<T>::template CastPixel<double>::value_type doubleT;
91  Image<doubleT,dim> oI(I);
92  Coords<dim> od=I.sizes();
94  std::pair<double,double> mM = range(f);
95  assert(mM.first>=1);
96  if (keepRatio) {
97  f.fill(mM.second);
98  nd=Coords<dim>(FVector<double,dim>(od)/mM.second);
99  }
100  inPlaceBlur(oI,1.5*(sqrt(f)-.99)); // Todo: better filtering
101  Image<T,dim> nI(nd);
102  for (CoordsIterator<dim> r = nI.coordsBegin() ; r != nI.coordsEnd() ; ++r) {
104  nI(*r)=T(oI.interpolate(x));
105  }
106  return nI;
107  }
109  template <typename T> Image<T,2> inline reduce(const Image<T,2>&I,int w,int h,bool keepRatio=false) { return reduce(I,Coords<2>(w,h),keepRatio); } // Reduce image (given dimensions), 3D alias.
111  template <typename T> Image<T,3> inline reduce(const Image<T,3>&I,int w,int h,int d,bool keepRatio=false) { return reduce(I,Coords<3>(w,h,d),keepRatio); }
120  template <typename T,int dim>
121  inline Image<T,dim> reduce(const Image<T,dim>&I,double fact)
122  {
124  return reduce(I,nd);
125  }
136  template <typename T,int dim>
137  Image<T,dim> enlarge(const Image<T,dim>&I,Coords<dim> nd,bool keepRatio=false)
138  {
139  Coords<dim> od=I.sizes();
141  std::pair<double,double> mM = range(f);
142  assert(mM.second<=1);
143  if (keepRatio) {
144  f.fill(mM.second);
145  nd=Coords<dim>(FVector<double,dim>(od)/mM.second);
146  }
147  Image<T,dim> nI(nd);
148  for (CoordsIterator<dim> r = nI.coordsBegin() ; r != nI.coordsEnd() ; ++r) {
150  nI(*r)=T(I.interpolate(x));
151  }
152  return nI;
153  }
155  template <typename T> Image<T,2> inline enlarge(const Image<T,2>&I,int w,int h,bool keepRatio=false) { return enlarge(I,Coords<2>(w,h),keepRatio); }
157  template <typename T> Image<T,3> inline enlarge(const Image<T,3>&I,int w,int h,int d,bool keepRatio=false) { return enlarge(I,Coords<3>(w,h,d),keepRatio); }
166  template <typename T,int dim>
167  inline Image<T,dim> enlarge(const Image<T,dim>&I,double fact)
168  {
170  return enlarge(I,nd);
171  }
173  // ===============================================
174  // Deriche
187  template <typename T,int dim>
188  void inPlaceDeriche(Image<T,dim>&I,typename PixelTraits<T>::scalar_type sigma, int order, int d, bool neumann = true) {
189  // Checks parameter values
190  assert(sigma>0 && order>=0 && order<3 && d>=0 && d<dim);
192  // Computes coefficients of the recursive filter
193  const typename PixelTraits<T>::scalar_type
194  alpha = 1.695f/sigma,
195  ea = std::exp(alpha),
196  ema = std::exp(-alpha),
197  em2a = ema*ema,
198  b1 = 2*ema,
199  b2 = -em2a;
201  typename PixelTraits<T>::scalar_type ek,ekn,parity,a1,a2,a3,a4,g0,sumg1,sumg0;
203  switch(order) {
205  // first-order derivative
206  case 1:
207  ek = -(1-ema)*(1-ema)*(1-ema)/(2*(ema+1)*ema);
208  a1 = a4 = 0;
209  a2 = ek*ema;
210  a3 = -ek*ema;
211  parity = -1;
212  if (neumann) {
213  sumg1 = (ek*ea) / ((ea-1)*(ea-1));
214  g0 = 0;
215  sumg0 = g0 + sumg1;
216  }
217  else
218  g0 = sumg0 = sumg1 = 0;
219  break;
221  // second-order derivative
222  case 2:
223  ekn = ( -2*(-1+3*ea-3*ea*ea+ea*ea*ea)/(3*ea+1+3*ea*ea+ea*ea*ea) );
224  ek = -(em2a-1)/(2*alpha*ema);
225  a1 = ekn;
226  a2 = -ekn*(1+ek*alpha)*ema;
227  a3 = ekn*(1-ek*alpha)*ema;
228  a4 = -ekn*em2a;
229  parity = 1;
230  if (neumann) {
231  sumg1 = ekn/2;
232  g0 = ekn;
233  sumg0 = g0 + sumg1;
234  }
235  else
236  g0 = sumg0 = sumg1 = 0;
237  break;
239  // smoothing
240  default:
241  ek = (1-ema)*(1-ema) / (1+2*alpha*ema - em2a);
242  a1 = ek;
243  a2 = ek*ema*(alpha-1);
244  a3 = ek*ema*(alpha+1);
245  a4 = -ek*em2a;
246  parity = 1;
247  if (neumann) {
248  sumg1 = ek*(alpha*ea+ea-1) / ((ea-1)*(ea-1));
249  g0 = ek;
250  sumg0 = g0 + sumg1;
251  }
252  else
253  g0 = sumg0 = sumg1 = 0;
254  break;
255  }
257  // filter init
258  T *Y = new T[I.size(d)];
259  const size_t offset = I.stride(d);
260  const size_t nb = I.size(d);
262  // Iterates on dimensions other than d
263  Coords<dim> beg(0), end = I.sizes() - Coords<dim>(1);
264  end[d]=0;
265  for (CoordsIterator<dim> p(beg,end); p != CoordsIterator<dim>(); ++p) {
266  T *ima = &(I(*p));
267  T I2 = *ima; ima += offset;
268  T I1 = *ima; ima += offset;
269  T Y2 = *(Y++) = sumg0*I2;
270  T Y1 = *(Y++) = g0*I1 + sumg1*I2;
271  for (size_t i=2; i<nb; i++) {
272  I1 = *ima; ima+=offset;
273  T Y0 = *(Y++) = a1*I1 + a2*I2 + b1*Y1 + b2*Y2;
274  I2=I1; Y2=Y1; Y1=Y0;
275  }
276  ima -= offset;
277  I2 = *ima;
278  Y2 = Y1 = (parity*sumg1)*I2;
279  *ima = *(--Y)+Y2;
280  ima-=offset;
281  I1 = *ima;
282  *ima = *(--Y)+Y1;
283  for (size_t i=nb-3; ; i--) {
284  T Y0 = a3*I1+a4*I2+b1*Y1+b2*Y2;
285  ima-=offset;
286  I2=I1;
287  I1=*ima;
288  *ima=*(--Y)+Y0;
289  Y2=Y1;
290  Y1=Y0;
291  if (i==0)
292  break;
293  }
294  }
295  delete [] Y;
297  }
310  template <typename T,int dim>
311  Image<T,dim> deriche(const Image<T,dim>&I,typename PixelTraits<T>::scalar_type sigma, int order, int d, bool neumann = true) {
312  Image<T,dim> J=I.clone();
313  inPlaceDeriche(J,sigma,order,d,neumann);
314  return J;
315  }
324  template <typename T,int dim>
325  void inPlaceBlur(Image<T,dim>&I,const FVector<typename PixelTraits<T>::scalar_type,dim>& sigmas, bool neumann = true) {
326  for (int i=0;i<dim;i++) {
327  inPlaceDeriche(I,sigmas[i], 0, i, neumann);
328  }
329  }
338  template <typename T,int dim>
339  void inPlaceBlur(Image<T,dim>&I,typename PixelTraits<T>::scalar_type sigma, bool neumann = true) {
340  inPlaceBlur(I,FVector<typename PixelTraits<T>::scalar_type,dim>(sigma),neumann);
341  }
351  template <typename T,int dim>
352  Image<T,dim> blur(const Image<T,dim>&I,typename PixelTraits<T>::scalar_type sigma, bool neumann = true) {
353  Image<T,dim> J=I.clone();
354  inPlaceBlur(J,sigma,neumann);
355  return J;
356  }
366  template <typename T,int dim>
367  Image<T,dim> blur(const Image<T,dim>&I,const FVector<typename PixelTraits<T>::scalar_type,dim>& sigmas, bool neumann = true) {
368  Image<T,dim> J=I.clone();
369  inPlaceBlur(J,sigmas,neumann);
370  return J;
371  }
374 }
Definition: Coords.h:16
Vector of fixed size.
Definition: FVector.h:17
FVector & fill(const T &v)
Definition: FVector.h:75
Image< T, dim > scaleDown(const Image< T, dim > &I, int fact)
Down scaling: fast naive version.
Definition: Algos.h:45
Iterator on Coordinates.
Definition: Coords.h:83
int size(int i) const
ith size.
Definition: MultiArray.h:225
Coords< dim > sizes() const
Definition: MultiArray.h:211
Image< T, dim > blur(const Image< T, dim > &I, typename PixelTraits< T >::scalar_type sigma, bool neumann=true)
Definition: Algos.h:352
Definition: Image.h:24
Image< T, dim > deriche(const Image< T, dim > &I, typename PixelTraits< T >::scalar_type sigma, int order, int d, bool neumann=true)
Deriche filter.
Definition: Algos.h:311
CoordsIterator< dim > coordsEnd() const
End coords iterator.
Definition: MultiArray.h:384
FArray< size_t, dim > stride() const
Definition: MultiArray.h:253
Image< T, dim > reduce(const Image< T, dim > &I, int fact)
Reduce image (integer factor).
Definition: Algos.h:62
Imagine++ namespace.
Definition: Array.h:7
void inPlaceDeriche(Image< T, dim > &I, typename PixelTraits< T >::scalar_type sigma, int order, int d, bool neumann=true)
In place Deriche filter.
Definition: Algos.h:188
void inPlaceBlur(Image< T, dim > &I, const FVector< typename PixelTraits< T >::scalar_type, dim > &sigmas, bool neumann=true)
In Place Blur (anisotropic).
Definition: Algos.h:325
Image< T, dim > scaleUp(const Image< T, dim > &I, int fact)
Up scaling: fast naive version.
Definition: Algos.h:23
Image< T, dim > enlarge(const Image< T, dim > &I, Coords< dim > nd, bool keepRatio=false)
Enlarge image (given dimensions).
Definition: Algos.h:137
Image clone() const
Definition: Image.h:146
PixelTraits< T >::template CastPixel< V >::value_type interpolate(const FVector< V, dim > &c) const
Definition: Image.h:198
CoordsIterator< dim > coordsBegin() const
Begin coords iterator.
Definition: MultiArray.h:376