// ===========================================================================
// Imagine++ Libraries
// Copyright (C) Imagine
// For detailed information:
// ===========================================================================
// So far, this file is aimed at using each function at least once.
// Hence, it is provided more as a test for compilation than as a true example...
#include <Imagine/Common.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <vector>
#include <utility>
using namespace std;
using namespace Imagine;
void base() {
cout << "Imagine++ version is " << VERSION << endl; // Version number
cout << "File named xxx in source path is replaced by: " << srcPath("xxx") << endl; // C source path
string name="xxx"; // String source path
cout << "File named string xxx in source path is replaced by: " << stringSrcPath(name) << endl; // ...
void fArrays() {
cout << "Testing FArray functions!" << endl;
FArray<char,3> a; // uninitialized
FArray<char,3> b('.'); // filled with constant value
char tt[]={'a','b','c'}; // filled from C array
FArray<char,3> c(tt); // (copying array into fresh memory)
FArray<char,3> dd(c); // copy constructor
FArray<char,3> di(c); // copy from different type
FArray<char,2> e('a','b'); // alias for 2D case
FArray<char,3> f('a','b','c'); // alias for 3D case
a.fill('x'); // Fills with constant value
dd.copy(tt); // Copies C array into FArray
di.copy(tt); // Copies C array of different type into FArray
dd=b; // assignment (copies values)
di=a; // assignment from different type
cout << a.size() << endl; // size
char x,y;
x=a[0]; // read access []
c[0]=x; // write access [][1]; // data pointer (read)[0]=x; // data pointer (write)
x=y; //Avoid warning
for (FArray<char,3>::const_iterator cit=f.begin() ; cit!=f.end(); ++cit) // const iterator
cout << *cit << endl; // ...
for (FArray<char,3>::iterator it=f.begin() ; it!=f.end(); ++it) // Iterator
*it='x'; // ...
if (a==b) cout << "a equals b" << endl; // ==
if (a!=b) cout << "a is different from b" << endl; // !=
/*pair<char,char> r =*/ range(a); // range
ofstream out("tmp.bin",ios::binary); // binary write
write(out,a); // ...
ifstream in("tmp.bin",ios::binary); // binary read
read(in,a); // ...
in.close();"tmp.txt"); // ASCII write
out << a << endl; // ...
out.close();"tmp.txt"); // ASCII read
in >> a; // ...
void fVectors() {
// NB: functions of base class FArray are indeed available on FVector
cout << "Testing FVector functions!" << endl;
FVector<double,3> a; // uninitialized
FVector<double,3> b(1.5); // filled with constant value
double tt[]={1,2,3}; // filled from C array
FVector<double,3> c(tt); // (copying array into fresh memory)
FVector<double,3> dd(c); // copy constructor
FVector<int,3> di(c); // copy from different type
FVector<double,2> e(1.5,2.5); // alias for 2D case
FVector<double,3> f(1.5,2.5,3.5); // alias for 3D case
a.fill(1.3); // Fills with constant value
b=FVector<double,3>::Zero(); // Vector with const 0 value
dd=c; // assignment (copies values)
di=c; // assignment from different type
double x,y,z;
x=f.x(); // read alias 0
f.x()=x; // write alias 0
y=f.y(); // read alias 1
f.y()=y; // write alias 1
z=f.z(); // read alias 2
f.z()=z; // write alias 2
c=a+b; // +
c=a-b; // -
c+=a; // +=
c-=a; // -=
c=a+3.; // + scalar
c=a-3.; // - scalar
c+=3.; // += scalar
c-=3.; // -= scalar
b=-a; // unary -
x=a*b; // scalar product
x=e^FVector<double,2>(2,1); // 2D cross product
c=a^b; // 3D cross product
c=a*2; // * scalar
c=a/2; // / scalar
c*=2; // *= scalar
c/=2; // /= scalar
c=2.*a; // scalar * FVector
c=2.+a; // scalar + FVector
c=2.-a; // scalar - FVector
x=norm2(a); // squared Euclidean norm
x=norm(a); // Euclidean norm
c=normalized(dd); // Euclidean normalization
dd.normalize(); // Euclidean in-place normalization
x=maxNorm(a); // Maximum norm
int i=intNorm2(di); // integer squared Euclidean norm
i=intNorm1(di); // integer L1-norm
(void)i; // Avoid warning
x=doubleNorm2(di); // double squared Euclidean norm
x=doubleNorm(di); // double Euclidean norm
x=doubleNorm1(di); // double L1-norm
x=sum(a); // sum of coordinates
c=mult(a,b); // pointwise *
c=div(a,b); // pointwise /
c=sqrt(a); // pointwise sqrt
c=log(a); // pointwise log
c=exp(a); // pointwise exp
c=pmin(a,b); // pointwise min
c=pmax(a,b); // pointwise max
x=squaredDist(di,di); // squared distance
x=dist(di,di); // distance
x=intL1Dist(di,di); // Integer L1-distance
x=L1Dist(di,di); // L1-distance
void fMatrices() {
cout << "Testing FMatrix functions!" << endl;
FMatrix<double,2,3> A; // uninitialized
FMatrix<double,2,3> B(1.5); // filled with constant value
double t1[6]={1,2,3,4,5,6}; // filled from C array
FMatrix<double,2,3> C(t1); // (copying array into fresh memory)
double t2[2][3]={{1,2,3},{4,5,6}}; // filled from bidim C array
FMatrix<double,2,3> D(t2); // (copying array into fresh memory)
FMatrix<double,2,3> Ed(D); // copy constructor
FMatrix<int,2,3> Ei(D); // copy from different type
A.fill(1.3); // Fills with constant value
B=FMatrix<double,2,3>::Zero(); // Matrix with constant 0 value
Ed=B; // assignment (copies values)
Ei=B; // assignment from different type
/*int s=*/A.size(); // size
/*int m=*/A.nrow(); // number of rows
/*int n=*/A.ncol(); // number of columns
double x;
x=A(1,2); // read access
A(1,2)=x; // write access
x=A[4]; // 1D read access []
A[4]=x; // 1D write access [][4]; // data pointer (read)[4]=x; // data pointer (write)
FMatrix<double,2,2> I; // identity
FVector<double,2> d(2.); // diagonal
I=Diagonal(d); // ...
FVector<double,3> v(1,2,3); // cross product matrix
FMatrix<double,3,3> P; // i.e. such that for all w, P*w = v^w
if (A==B) cout << "A equals B" << endl; // ==
if (A!=B) cout << "A is different from B" << endl; // !=
C=A+B; // +
C=A-B; // -
C+=A; // +=
C-=A; // -=
C=A+3.; // + scalar
C=A-3.; // - scalar
C+=3.; // += scalar
C-=3.; // -= scalar
B=-A; // unary -
C=A*2; // * scalar
C=A/2; // / scalar
C*=2; // *= scalar
C/=2; // /= scalar
C=2.*A; // scalar * FMatrix
C=2.+A; // scalar + FMatrix
C=2.-A; // scalar - FMatrix
/*FMatrix<double,3,2> At=*/transpose(A);// transpose
A34=A32*A24; // matrix * matrix
A34=tmult(A23,A24); // matrix^T * matrix
A34=multt(A32,A42); // matrix * matrix^T
A34=tmultt(A23,A42); // matrix^T * matrix^T
v3=A32*v2; // matrix * vector
v2=tmult(A32,v3); // matrix^T * vector
double t9[]={1,2,9,3,4,6,5,7,2}; // Some values
x=det(A11); x=det(A22); x=det(A33); // Determinant
cout << A11*inverse(A11) << endl; // 1x1 inverse
cout << A22*inverse(A22) << endl; // 2x2 inverse
cout << A33*inverse(A33) << endl; // 3x3 inverse
v2=A23.getCol(0); // Get column
A23.setCol(0,v2); // Set column
v3=A23.getRow(0); // Get row
A23.setRow(0,v3); // Set row
x=norm2(A); // Squared Frobenius norm
x=norm(A); // Frobenius norm
ofstream out("tmp.bin",ios::binary); // binary write
write(out,A); // ...
ifstream in("tmp.bin",ios::binary); // binary read
read(in,A); // ...
in.close();"tmp.txt"); // ASCII write
out << A << endl; // ...
out.close();"tmp.txt"); // ASCII read
in >> A; // ...
void colors() {
// NB: functions of base class FVector are indeed also available on RGB/RGBA
cout << "Testing Color functions!" << endl;
RGB<double> a; // uninitialized
RGB<double> b(.6); // filled with constant value
RGB<double> c(.12,.3,.43); // rgb values
double t1[]={.2,1.,.23}; // filled from C array
RGB<double> d(t1); // ...
RGB<double> e(d); // copy constructor
RGB<float> f(e); // from another type
double x;
x=e.r(); // Read RED alias
e.r()=x; // Write RED alias
x=e.g(); // Read GREEN alias
e.g()=x; // Write GREEN alias
x=e.b(); // Read BLUE alias
e.b()=x; // Write BLUE alias
RGBA<double>g(.1,.2,.6,.3); // RGBA -> RGB
RGB<float> h(g); // ...
float grey=float(c); // to greyscale
(void)grey; // Avoid warning
x = (byte)123; // byte alias
Color col(12,234,13); // color alias
AlphaColor acol(12,134,13,255); // color alias with alpha channel
AlphaColor acol1(12,134,13); // same as above (255 = opaque; 0 = transparent)
// ...
col=WHITE; // predefined WHITE
col=BLACK; // predefined BLACK
col=RED; // predefined RED
col=GREEN; // predefined GREEN
col=BLUE; // predefined BLUE
col=MAGENTA; // predefined MAGENTA
col=CYAN; // predefined CYAN
col=YELLOW; // predefined YELLOW
col=ORANGE; // predefined ORANGE
col=PURPLE; // predefined PURPLE
acol = AWHITE; // predifined WHITE with alpha channel
RGBA<double> j; // uninitialized rgba
RGBA<double> k(.6); // rgb filled with constant value, a=1
RGBA<double> l(.12,.3,.43,.9); // rgba values
RGBA<double> q(.12,.3,.43); // rgba values from r, g, b
double t2[]={.2,1.,.23,.3}; // rgba filled from C array
RGBA<double> m(t2); // ...
RGBA<double> n(l); // rgba copy constructor
RGBA<float> o(l); // rgba from another type
RGBA<double>p(e); // RGB -> RGBA
x=n.r(); // RGBA Read RED alias
n.r()=x; // RGBA Write RED alias
x=n.g(); // RGBA Read GREEN alias
n.g()=x; // RGBA Write GREEN alias
x=n.b(); // RGBA Read BLUE alias
n.b()=x; // RGBA Write BLUE alias
x=n.a(); // RGBA Read alpha alias
n.a()=x; // RGBA Write alpha alias
grey=float(o); // RGBA to greyscale
FVector<double,3> yuv=RGB2YUV(Color(12,234,123)); // RGB to YUV
col=YUV2RGB<byte>(yuv); // YUV to RGB
void arrays() {
cout << "Testing Array functions!" << endl;
Array<char> a; // non allocated
Array<char> b(3); // allocated with specified size
char t[4]={'a','b','c','d'}; // pre-allocated
Array<char> c(t,4);
char* t2=new char[3];
Array<char> c2(t2,3,true); // ...
Array<char> dc(b); // copy constructor (sharing memory)
Array<int> di(b); // from different type
list<char>l; // from list
Array<char>e(l); // ...
b.setSize(5); // setSize
a=b; // assignment (sharing memory)
di=b; // different type assignment
a=c.clone(); // cloning (fresh memory)
if (a.empty()) // is empty?
cout<< "a is empty" << endl;// ...
/*size_t s=*/a.size(); // number of elements
b.fill('x'); // filling with constant value
char x;
x=b[2]; // read access []
b[2]=x; // write access [][2]; // data pointer (read)[2]=x; // data pointer (write)
for (Array<char>::const_iterator cit=a.begin() ; cit!=a.end(); ++cit) // const iterator
cout << *cit << endl; // ...
for (Array<char>::iterator it=a.begin() ; it!=a.end(); ++it) // Iterator
*it='x'; // ...
e=b.getSubArray(1,2); // sub array (fresh memory)
if (a==b) cout << "a equals b" << endl; // ==
if (a!=b) cout << "a is different from b" << endl; // !=
/*pair<char,char> p=*/range(a); // range
Array< Coords<2> > f(2); // pointwise range
/*pair<Coords<2>,Coords<2> > p2=*/prange(f); // ...
ofstream out("tmp.bin",ios::binary); // binary write
write(out,a); // ...
ifstream in("tmp.bin",ios::binary); // binary read
read(in,a); // ...
in.close();"tmp.txt"); // ASCII write
out << a << endl; // ...
out.close();"tmp.txt"); // ASCII read
in >> a; // ...
void coords() {
cout << "Testing coords functions!" << endl;
Coords<3> a; // uninitialized
Coords<3> b(1); // filled with constant value
int t[]={1,2,3}; // filled from C array
Coords<3> c(t); // (copying array into fresh memory)
Coords<3> d(c); // copy constructor
Coords<2> e(1,2); // alias for 2D case
Coords<3> f(1,2,3); // alias for 3D case
(void)d; (void)e; // Avoid warnings
CoordsIterator<2> it1; // uninitialized iterator
CoordsIterator<2> it2(Coords<2>(1,1),Coords<2>(5,3)); // iterator for 1<=x<=5, 1<=y<=3
it1=it2; // iterator assignment
if (it1==it2) cout << "it1 equals it2" << endl; // ==
if (it1!=it2) cout << "it1 is different from it2" << endl; // !=
for (CoordsIterator<2> it(Coords<2>(0,0),Coords<2>(1,2)); it != CoordsIterator<2>() ; ++ it) // pre ++
cout << *it << endl; // dereference
for (CoordsIterator<2> it(Coords<2>(0,0),Coords<2>(1,2)); it != CoordsIterator<2>() ; ) // post ++ and member selection
cout << it++->x() << endl; // ...
/*size_t p=*/; // product of coordinates
void multiArrays() {
cout << "Testing multi Array functions!" << endl;
MultiArray<char,2> a; // non allocated
MultiArray<char,2> b(Coords<2>(3,4)); // allocated with specified size
MultiArray<char,2> c2(2,3); // constructor, 2D alias
MultiArray<char,3> c3(2,3,4); // constructor, 3D alias
char t[6]={'a','b','c','d','e','f'}; // pre-allocated
char *t2=new char[6];
MultiArray<char,2> e2(t2,Coords<2>(2,3),true); // ...
MultiArray<char,2> g(t,2,3); // pre-allocated, 2D alias
MultiArray<char,3> i(t,1,2,3); // pre-allocated, 3D alias
MultiArray<char,2> jc(e); // copy constructor
MultiArray<int,2> ji(e); // from different type
e.setSize(Coords<2>(4,4)); // setSize
g.setSize(3,3); // setSize, 2D alias
i.setSize(3,2,1); // setSize, 3D alias
a=b; // assignment
ji=jc; // different type assignment
a=b.clone(); // cloning (fresh memory)
a.fill('x'); // filling with constant value
/*Coords<2> sizes=*/a.sizes(); // sizes
/*size_t s=*/a.totalSize(); // number of elements
/*int s1=*/a.size(1); // i^th size
/*int w=*/c3.width(); // Size. alias 0
/*int h=*/c3.height(); // Size. alias 1
/*int d=*/c3.depth(); // Size. alias 2
a=c2.getSubArray(Coords<2>(1,1),Coords<2>(1,2));// sub array (fresh memory)
/*FArray<size_t,3> stride=*/c3.stride(); // stride
/*size_t st1=*/c3.stride(1); // i^th stride
/*size_t o=*/c3.offset(Coords<3>(1,0,1)); // offset
/*size_t o2=*/c2.offset(1,0); // offset 2D alias
/*size_t o3=*/c3.offset(1,0,1); // offset 3D alias
char x;
x=a(Coords<2>(0,1)); // read access ()
a(Coords<2>(0,1))=x; // write access ()
x=a(0,1); // read access 2D alias
a(0,1)=x; // write access 2D alias
x=c3(1,0,1); // read access 3D alias
c3(1,0,1)=x; // write access 3D alias
for (CoordsIterator<3> it=i.coordsBegin(); it != i.coordsEnd(); ++it ) // coords iterator
cout << "[" << *it << "]=" << i(*it) << endl; // ...
ofstream out("tmp.bin",ios::binary); // binary write
write(out,i); // ...
ifstream in("tmp.bin",ios::binary); // binary read
read(in,i); // ...
in.close();"tmp.txt"); // ASCII write
out << i << endl; // ...
out.close();"tmp.txt"); // ASCII read
in >> i; // ...
void rands() {
cout << "Testing random functions!"<<endl;
initRandom(0); // Init with given seed
initRandom(); // Init with time dependent seed
cout << doubleRandom() << " "; // double in [0;1]
cout << intRandom(10,20) << " "; // int in [a;b]
cout << uintRandom(15) << " "; // unsigned int in [0;a]
cout << size_tRandom(15) << " "; // size_t in [0;a]
cout << gaussianRandom() << endl; // double following a normal Gaussian law
void timers() {
cout << "Testing Timer functions!"<<endl;
Timer t; // construct
// some code 1
double x=t.lap(); // seconds for code 1
// some code 2
x=t.lap(); // seconds for code 1+2
t.reset(); // reset
// some code 3
x=t.lap(); // seconds for code 3
(void)x; // Avoid warning
void io() {
cout << "Testing IO functions!"<<endl;
FVector<double,3> v(1/3.,2.,3.); // object to save
saveText(v,"tmp.txt",15); // save object (ASCII with given precision)
loadText(v,"tmp.txt"); // load object (ASCII)
saveBinary(v,"tmp.bin"); // save object (binary)
loadBinary(v,"tmp.bin"); // load object (binary)
// No argument: execute all tests. Arguments: execute indicated tests.
// Unknown test for argument: list available tests.
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
typedef void (*FUNC)();
vector< pair<string,FUNC> > tests;
#define ADD_TEST(func) \
tests.push_back(make_pair(string(#func), func));
ADD_TEST(base); // Basics
ADD_TEST(fArrays); // Fixed Arrays
ADD_TEST(fVectors); // Fixed Vectors
ADD_TEST(fMatrices); // Fixed matrices
ADD_TEST(colors); // Colors
ADD_TEST(arrays); // Arrays
ADD_TEST(coords); // Coordinates (used by arrays)
ADD_TEST(multiArrays); // nD Arrays
ADD_TEST(rands); // Random numbers generation
ADD_TEST(timers); // Timers
ADD_TEST(io); // Input/output
std::vector< pair<string,FUNC> >::const_iterator it;
for(it=tests.begin(); it!=tests.end(); ++it) {
cout << "---" << it->first << "---" << std::endl;
else {
bool fail=false;
for(int i=1; i<argc; i++) {
for(it=tests.begin(); it!=tests.end(); ++it) {
if(it->first == argv[i]) {
cout << "---" << it->first << "---" << std::endl;
if(it==tests.end()) {
std::cout << "Unknown test " << argv[i] << endl;
fail = true;
if(fail) {
cout << "--- Available tests:" << endl;
for(it=tests.begin(); it!=tests.end(); ++it)
cout << it->first << ' ';
cout << endl;
return 0;
waitKey(); // Wait before terminating program
return 0;