// Imagine++ Libraries
// Copyright (C) Imagine
// For detailed information:
// ===========================================================================
// So far, this file is aimed at using each function at least once.
// Hence, it is provided more as a test for compilation than as a true example...
#include <Imagine/Images.h>
using namespace std;
using namespace Imagine;
void images() {
// NB: see also functiosn of base classes (MultiArray and Array)
cout << "Testing Image functions!" << endl;
Image<byte> A; // non allocated
Image<byte,3> B(Coords<3>(20,20,20)); // allocated with specified size
Image<byte> C(20,20); // allocated with specified size (2D alias)
Image<byte,3> D(20,20,20); // allocated with specified size (3D alias)
byte t1[]={1,2,3,4,5,6}; // pre-allocated
Image<byte> E(t1,Coords<2>(2,3));
byte *t2=new byte[6];
Image<byte> F(t2,Coords<2>(2,3),true); // ...
Image<byte> G(t1,2,3); // pre-allocated, 2D
Image<byte,3> H(t1,2,3,1); // pre-allocated, 3D
Image<byte>I(E); // copy constructor
Image<byte>Jb(20,20); // from different type
for(int i=0; i<Jb.height(); i++)
for(int j=0; j<Jb.width(); j++)
Jb(j,i) = byte(rand()%256);
for(int i=0; i<Jcb.height(); i++)
for(int j=0; j<Jcb.width(); j++)
Image<RGB<double> >Jcd(Jcb); // ...
A=E; // assignment
A=E.clone(); // cloning (fresh memory)
Jd=Jb; // different type assignment
Jcd=Jcb; // ...
A.fill(12); // filling with constant value
A=C.getSubImage(Coords<2>(1,1),Coords<2>(10,10)); // sub image
A=C.getSubImage(1,1,10,10); // sub image 2D
H=D.getSubImage(1,1,1,10,10,10); // sub image 3D
/*float v1=*/Jb.interpolate(1.2f,3.7f); // interpolation
/*RGB<double> v2=*/Jcb.interpolate(FVector<double,2>(1.2,3.7)); // ...
byte a,b,c,d;
a=I.neumann(-2,1);b=I.neumann(1,-2);c=I.neumann(4,1);d=I.neumann(1,4); // Neumann access
a=I.dirichlet(-2,1);b=I.dirichlet(1,-2);c=I.dirichlet(4,1);d=I.dirichlet(1,4); // Dirichlet access
a=I.mirror(-2,1);b=I.mirror(1,-2);c=I.mirror(4,1);d=I.mirror(1,4); // mirror access
a=I.invMirror(-2,1);b=I.invMirror(1,-2);c=I.invMirror(4,1);d=I.invMirror(1,4); // inversed mirror access
a=b=c=d=a; // Avoid warning
cout << sum(Jd) << ' ' << sum(Jcd) << endl; // sum of pixels
cout << norm2(Jd) << ' ' << norm2(Jcd) << endl; // squared Euclidean norm
cout << norm(Jd) << ' ' << norm(Jcd) << endl; // Euclidean norm
Image< RGB<double> >O(20,20),P(20,20);
O=-O; // unary -
O=O+P; // image +
O+=P; // image +=
O=O-P; // image -
O-=P; // image -=
O=P+RGB<double>(1.,2.,3.); // constant +
O=RGB<double>(1.,2.,3.)+P; // constant + image
O+=RGB<double>(1.,2.,3.); // constant +=
O=P-RGB<double>(1.,2.,3.); // constant -
O=RGB<double>(1.,2.,3.)-P; // constant - image
O-=RGB<double>(1.,2.,3.); // constant -=
O=P*2.; // scalar *
O=2*P; // scalar * image
O*=2.; // scalar *=
O=P/2.; // scalar /
O/=2.; // scalar /=
Image<double> Q(20,20);
O=P*Q; // pointwise scalar *
O*=Q; // pointwise scalar *=
O=P/Q; // pointwise scalar /
O/=Q; // pointwise scalar /=
void io_transparency() {
cout << "Testing IO transparency functions!" << endl;
Window w = openWindow(1000,700);
Image<AlphaColor> I; // Load PNG image
load(I, srcPath("sup.png"));
load(Ia,srcPath("ryu.gif")); //Load GIF image
// Create mask
load(Ib,srcPath("ryu.gif")); // Load Image
createMaskFromColor(Ib,Color(112,136,136)); // ...
save(Ib,"out.png"); // save image with alpha channel
load(Isaved, "out.png"); //Reload the saved image
cout << "GIF opaque image" << endl;
display(Ia); //Display GIF Image
cout << "Superimposed transparent PNG image" << endl;
display(I); //Display PNG Image
cout << "Two transparent images" << endl;
display(I); //Display PNG Image
display(Ib); //Display GIF Image without background
cout << "Transparent image" << endl;
display(I); //Display PNG Image
cout << "Saved and reloaded PNG transparent image" << endl;
display(Isaved); //Display saved Image (GIF -> PNG)
void io() {
cout << "Testing IO functions!" << endl;
load(I,srcPath("test.jpg")); // load grey
save(I,"out_grey.png"); // save grey
load(J,srcPath("test.jpg")); // load color
save(J,"out_color.tif"); // save color
save(J,"out_color.jpg",95); // ...
Image<byte> R,G,B;
load(R,G,B,srcPath("test.jpg")); // load color chanels
save(R,G,B,"out_color.png"); // save color chanels
int w=I.width(),h=I.height();
Window W=openWindow(4*w,3*h);
display(I); // display grey
display(J,w,0); // display color
display(R,G,B,2*w,0,false,1.5); // display color (3 chanels)
K/=255.; // [0,1] image
display(rainbow(K),0,h); // to rainbow
display(rainbow(K,.2,.8),w,h); // to rainbow (given range)
display(grey(K),2*w,h); // to grey
display(grey(K,.2,.8),3*w,h); // to grey (given range)
L/=255.; // [0,1]^3 image
display(color(L),0,2*h); // to color
display(color(L,RGB<double>(.2,.3,.1),RGB<double>(.8,1.,.6)),w,2*h); // to color (given range)
Image<byte,3> M(130,120,110);
for (int k=0;k<110;k++)
for (int j=0;j<120;j++)
for (int i=0;i<130;i++)
display(cut2D(M,Coords<3>(0,5,0),0,2),2*w,2*h); // 2D cut (here {j=5})
// Analyze tests
saveAnalyze<float>(I,"out"); // saving byte into float
Image<byte> I0,K0;
loadAnalyze(I0,"out"); // checking
if (I(10,10)!=I0(10,10))
cout << "Analyze error!!!" << endl;
saveAnalyze<double>(K,"out"); // saving double into double
loadAnalyze(K0,"out"); // checking
if (K(10,10)!=K0(10,10))
cout << "Analyze error!!!" << endl; // ...
void algos() {
cout << "Testing Algos functions!" << endl;
int w=I.width(),h=I.height();
Window W=openWindow(4*w,4*h);
display(scaleUp(I,2),w,0); // scale up (fast naive)
display(scaleDown(I,2),3*w,0); // scale down (fast naive)
display(reduce(I,2),7*w/2,0); // reduction (integer factor)
display(reduce(I,100,50),0,h); // reduction (dimensions)
display(reduce(I,100,50,true),100,h); // ...
display(reduce(I,1.6),200,h); // reduction (double factor)
display(enlarge(I,400,400),350,h); // enlargement (dimensions)
display(enlarge(I,400,400,true),600,h); // ...
display(enlarge(I,1.5),0,2*h); // enlargement (factor)
Image< RGB<double> > J(I); // Deriche
display(color(deriche(J,1.,1,1)),2*w,2*h); // ...
inPlaceDeriche(J,2.,2,0); // in place Deriche
display(color(J),3*w,2*h); // ...
display(color(blur(J,3)),0,3*h); // blur
display(color(blur(J,FVector<double,2>(5,.01))),w,3*h); // anositropic blur
inPlaceBlur(J,1.); // in place blur
inPlaceBlur(J,FVector<double,2>(3,.01)); // in place anisotropic blur
void schemes(){
cout << "Testing PDE schemes" << endl;
Image<double,3> u(64,64,64);
Coords<3> p0(10,0,63); // Some point
neighbourOffsets(u,p0,dp,dm); // neighb offsets
cout << dp << " " << dm << endl;
Coords<3> pp,pm;
neighbourCoords(u,p0,pp,pm); // neighb coords
cout << pp << " " << pm << endl;
FVector<double,3> center(32);
for (CoordsIterator<3> it=u.coordsBegin();it!=u.coordsEnd();++it)
u(*it)=norm(FVector<double,3>(*it)-center); // Sphere
Coords<3> p(10,10,10); // Some point
cout << gradient(u,p) << endl << normal(u,p) << endl; // Gradient and unit normal of iso level at p
cout << derivative(u,p,0) << ' '; // Derivatives at p
cout << derivative(u,p,1) << ' ';
cout << derivative(u,p,2) << endl; // ...
cout << laplacian(u,p) << endl; // Laplacian at p
cout << gaussianCurvature(u,p) << endl; // Gaussian curvature of iso level at p
cout << meanCurvature(u,p) << endl; // Mean curvature of iso level at p
cout << meanCurvatureMotion(u,p) << endl; // Level set Mean curvature motion at p
// 2D
Image<double> u2(64,64);
FVector<double,2> center2(32);
for (CoordsIterator<2> it=u2.coordsBegin();it!=u2.coordsEnd();++it)
u2(*it)=norm(FVector<double,2>(*it)-center2); // Circle
Coords<2> p2(10,20); // Some point
cout << gradient(u2,p2) << endl << normal(u2,p2) << endl; // Gradient and unit normal of iso level at p
cout << derivative(u2,p2,0) << ' ' // Derivatives at point p
<< derivative(u2,p2,1) << endl
<< laplacian(u2,p2) << endl // Laplacian at point p
<< meanCurvature(u2,p2) << endl // Mean curvature of iso level at point p
<< meanCurvatureMotion(u2,p2) << endl; // Level set 'Mean curvature motion' at point p
// No argument: execute all tests. Arguments: execute indicated tests.
// Unknown test for argument: list available tests.
int main() {
typedef void (*FUNC)();
vector< pair<string,FUNC> > tests;
#define ADD_TEST(func) \
tests.push_back(make_pair(string(#func), func));
ADD_TEST(images); // images
ADD_TEST(io); // files / display
ADD_TEST(algos); // algos
ADD_TEST(schemes); // PDE schemes (used by level set methods, ...)
ADD_TEST(io_transparency); //Images with alpha channel
std::vector< pair<string,FUNC> >::const_iterator it;
for(it=tests.begin(); it!=tests.end(); ++it) {
cout << "---" << it->first << "---" << std::endl;
else {
bool fail=false;
for(int i=1; i<argc; i++) {
for(it=tests.begin(); it!=tests.end(); ++it) {
if(it->first == argv[i]) {
cout << "---" << it->first << "---" << std::endl;
if(it==tests.end()) {
std::cout << "Unknown test " << argv[i] << endl;
fail = true;
if(fail) {
cout << "--- Available tests:" << endl;
for(it=tests.begin(); it!=tests.end(); ++it)
cout << it->first << ' ';
cout << endl;
return 0;
return 0;