Computer Science
Introduction to programming 2023/2024
Exercises and solutions of practicals must be uploaded on Educnet.
Software installation:
Lecture Notes:
Practicals (texts/solutions/demos/exercises):
- Grades
- Practical#1 15/09/23: Programming environment.
Text, initial program, additional program.
Install Imagine++ on your laptop computer. Installation help on 15/09 (16:30-18:00).
- Practical#2 22/09/23: Functions/loops.
- Practical#3 29/09/23: Arrays.
Master Mind
- Practical#4 06/10/23: Structures.
- Practical#4 13/10/23: Separate compilation.
Gravitation and Duel
- Practical#4 20/10/23: Stack, recursion.
End of pratical Duel
- 27/10/23: Midterm exam.
- Practical#5 10/11/23: 2D arrays, structures and allocation.
Image processing
- Practical#6 17/11/23: Objects.
- 17/11/23: TPA.
Help for exercise 3.
- Practical#7 24/11/23: Constructors.
Snake and Tron
- Practical#7 01/12/23: Destructor, memory management.
The practical Snake/Tron is continued.
- Practical#7 08/12/23: strings, files, miscallaneous.
Practical continued.
- Practical #7 22/12/23: templates.
- 08/01/24: TPA. Q and A, reminders, exam preparation.
- 12/01/24: final exam (individual).
Course of previous years:
- Polycopié en français 2020-2021. Attention, ce polycopié n'est pas à jour par rapport à celui en anglais, il sert juste à aider à la compréhension de ceux ne maîtrisant pas bien l'anglais.
- Exams: