We propose a self-supervised approach to deep surface deformation. Given a pair of shapes, our algorithm directly predicts a parametric transformation from one shape to the other respecting correspondences. Our insight is to use cycle-consistency to define a notion of good correspondences in groups of objects and use it as a supervisory signal to train our network. Our method does not rely on a template, assume near isometric deformations or rely on point-correspondence supervision. We demonstrate the efficacy of our approach by using it to transfer segmentation across shapes. We show, on Shapenet, that our approach is competitive with comparable state-of-the-art methods when annotated training data is readily available, but outperforms them by a large margin in the few-shot segmentation scenario.
@INPROCEEDINGS{groueix19cycleconsistentdeformation, title     = {Unsupervised cycle-consistent deformation for shape matching}, author    = {Groueix, Thibault and Fisher, Matthew and Kim, Vladimir G. and Russell, Bryan and Aubry, Mathieu}, booktitle = {Symposium on Geometry Processing (SGP)}, year      = {2019} }
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