Pierre Moulon PhD. Student.

Publication List:

PhD Thesis:
Positionnement robuste et precis de reseaux d'images.
Robust and accurate calibration of camera networks
PhD Thesis


Pierre Moulon, Pascal Monasse, Romuald Perrot, Renaud Marlet. RRPR 2016
OpenMVG: Open Multiple View Geometry. Paper

Lionel Moisan, Pierre Moulon, and Pascal Monasse. IPOL 2016.
Fundamental Matrix of a Stereo Pair, with A Contrario Elimination of Outliers. Paper

Moulon Pierre, Monasse Pascal and Marlet Renaud. ICCV 2013.
Global Fusion of Relative Motions for Robust, Accurate and Scalable Structure from Motion. Info,Paper

Moulon Pierre, Duisit Bruno and Monasse Pascal. CVMP 2013.
Global Multiple-View Color Consistency.
Winner of the NVIDIA best student short paper prize. Paper

Moulon Pierre, Monasse Pascal and Marlet Renaud. ORASIS 2013.
La bibliotheque openMVG : open source Multiple View Geometry. Paper

Moulon Pierre, Monasse Pascal and Marlet Renaud. ISS 2013.
Estimation robuste de modele a contrario, impact sur la precision en structure from motion.

Moulon Pierre and Monasse Pascal. CVMP 2012.
Unordered feature tracking made fast and easy. Paper Poster Code

Moulon Pierre, Monasse Pascal and Marlet Renaud. ACCV 2012.
Adaptive Structure from Motion with a contrario model estimation. Paper Poster Code

Moulon Pierre, Monasse Pascal and Marlet Renaud. ACCV 2012.
Demo: Adaptive model estimation, a real time demonstration. Demo Proposal Poster

Moisan Lionel, Moulon Pierre and Monasse Pascal. IPOL 2012.
Automatic Homographic Registration of a Pair of Images, with A Contrario Elimination of Outliers. Link

Bezzi Alessandro, Moulon Pierre. ArcheoFOSS 2011.
Python photogrammetry toolbox: una soluzione libera per la documentazione tridimensionale. Link

Bourgeniere, Moulon, Rosenberger, Smari. CCSP 2005.
On the determination of 3D trajectory of moving targets by stereovision. Link