![](images/Miscellaneous.png) |
[FNT10] Geodesic Methods in Computer Vision and Graphics
[INFO07] Programmation en C++
[INFOX86] Corrigés de l'épreuve d'Informatique de l'Ecole Polytechnique
![](images/Image matching.png) |
Image matching
[PAMI10] Context-Dependent Kernels for Object Classification
[CVPR08c] Context-Dependent Kernel Design for Object Matching and Recognition
![](images/Camera calibration.png) |
Camera calibration
[ECCV2010a] Exploiting Loops in the Graph of Trifocal Tensors for Calibrating a Network of Cameras
[3DPVT10] A global camera network calibration method with Linear Programming
[NIPS09] L1-Penalized Robust Estimation for a Class of Inverse Problems Arising in Multiview Geometry
![](images/Primitive based models.png) |
Primitive based models
[CVPR2010a] Hybrid multi-view Reconstruction by Jump-Diffusion
[TIP10] Insertion of 3D-primitives in mesh-based representations: Towards compact models preserving the details
[BMVC09] Combining meshes and geometric primitives for accurate and semantic modeling
![](images/Brain anatomy and function.png) |
Brain anatomy and function
[TBE09] Graph-based variability estimation in single-trial event-related neural responses
[MICCAI09] Brain Connectivity using Geodesics in HARDI
[ISMRM09] A Hough transform global approach to diffusion MRI tractography
[ISBI08] SIFT-based Sequence Registration and Flow-based Cortical Vessel Segmentation applied to High Resolution Optical Imaging Data
[CERTIS0838] Extraction of Centerlines Networks over an Orientation Domain
[IPMI07] High-quality consistent meshing of multi-label datasets
[Neuroimage04] Variational, geometric and statistical methods for modeling brain anatomy and function
![](images/Multiview Stereo.png) |
Multiview Stereo
[ICIP09b] Photo-consistent surface reconstruction from noisy point clouds,
[ICIP09a] Photo-consistent surface reconstruction from noisy point clouds
[CVPR09a] Towards high-resolution large-scale multi-view stereo
[CERTIS0841] Towards high-resolution large-scale multi-view stereo
[CERTIS0840] Compact piecewise-planar models
[ICCV07a] Efficient multi-view reconstruction of large-scale scenes using interest points, Delaunay triangulation and graph cuts
[ENPC12] Créer des mondes virtuels
[CERTIS0734] Voronoi Features Cut for Surface Reconstruction from Multiple Views
[3DPVT06a] Fast level set multi-view stereo on graphics hardware
[3DPVT06b] Fast and efficient dense variational stereo on GPU
[LaRecherche06] Augmenter la réalité
[GPUICCS06a] A GPU implementation of level set multiview stereo
[CERTIS0512] A GPU implementation of level set multiview stereo
[CERTIS0513] A GPU implementation of variational stereo
[GLSMIVG03c] Variational Principles in Computational Stereo
[LaRecherche99] La vision informatique du relief
[TIP98] Variational principles, surface evolution, PDEs, level set methodsand the stereo problem
[ECCV98] Complete dense stereovision using level set methods
[PhD97] Equations aux Dérivées Partielles, Evolutions de Courbes et de Surfaces et Espaces d'Echelle: Applications à la Vision par Ordinateur
[SS97] Level set methods and the stereo problem
![](images/4D Stereo.png) |
4D Stereo
[ACCV09e] Globally optimal spatio-temporal reconstruction from cluttered videos
[ACCV09c] Dense and Accurate Spatio-Temporal Multi-View Stereovision
[ACCV09b] Non-rigid shape matching using geometry and photometry
[IMAGINE0943] Dense and Accurate Spatio-Temporal Multi-View Stereovision
[ICCV07b] Spatio-temporal shape from silhouette using four-dimensional Delaunay meshing
[IJCV07] Multi-view stereo reconstruction and scene flow estimation with a global image-based matching score
[HMMCV06a] Modelling non-rigid dynamic scenes from multi-view image sequences
[CVPR05b] Modelling dynamic scenes by registering multi-view image sequences
[INRIA5321] Modelling dynamic scenes by registering multi-view image sequences
[ICCV03a] Variational stereovision and 3D scene flow estimation with statistical similarity measures
![](images/Texturing.png) |
[ACCV09d] Multi-View Texturing of Imprecise Mesh
[ICPR08a] Seamless image-based texture atlases using multi-band blending
![](images/Sparse recovery.png) |
Sparse recovery
[MLVMA09] Sparse Learning Approach to the Problem of Robust Estimation of Camera Locations
![](images/Image Segmentation.png) |
Image Segmentation
[ACCV09a] Transductive segmentation of textured meshes
[CVPR08a] Segmentation by transduction
[SSVM07] Towards segmentation based on a shape prior manifold
[CERTIS0627] Transductive segmentation
![](images/Shape Manifolds.png) |
Shape Manifolds
[SSVM09] Karcher means for shape and image denoising
[CERTIS0837] Pre-image as karcher mean using diffusion maps
[ICCV07c] Shape priors using Manifold Learning Techniques
[ICIP2007] Projection Onto a Shape Manifold for Image Segmentation with Prior
[CERTIS0733] Projection onto manifolds, manifold denoising and application to image segmentation with non linear
[CERTIS0625] Projecting onto a shape prior manifold
![](images/Minimal paths.png) |
Minimal paths
[CVPR09b] Extraction of Tubular Structures over an Orientation Domain
![](images/Graph Cuts.png) |
Graph Cuts
[IMAVIS09] Some links between extremum spanning forests, watersheds and min-cut
[ICCV07d] Graph-cut transducers for relevance feedback in content based image retrieval
[ISMM07] Some links between min-cuts, optimal spanning forests and watersheds
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Surface Reconstruction
[CGF09] Robust and efficient surface reconstruction from range data
![](images/Epilepsy and Facial Expressions.png) |
Epilepsy and Facial Expressions
[ICPR08c] 3D model fitting for facial expression analysis under uncontrolled imaging conditions
![](images/Acquisition Process.png) |
Acquisition Process
![](images/Manifold learning and denoising.png) |
Manifold learning and denoising
[ICIP08] Normalization and Preimage Problem in Gaussian Kernel PCA
![](images/Kernel Methods.png) |
Kernel Methods
[ICML08a] Robust Matching and Recognition using Context-Dependent Kernels
![](images/Image Retrieval.png) |
Image Retrieval
[CBMI08] Object Recognition and Retrieval by Context Dependent Similarity Kernels
[CVPR08b] Manifold Learning using Robust Graph Laplacian for Interactive Image Retrieval
[ICASSP08] Interactive Image Retrieval
[TSI0718] Context-Dependent Kernel Design for Object Matching and Recognition
[CERTIS0732] Graph Laplacian for Interactive Image Retrieval
[CERTIS0730] Graph-cut transducers for relevance feedback in content based image retrieval
![](images/Active Shapes - Shape priors.png) |
Active Shapes - Shape priors
[MICCAI2007] Active-Contour-Based Image Segmentation using Machine Learning Techniques
![](images/MagnetoElectroEncephalography.png) |
[MICCAI2007b] Combinatorial Optimization for Electrode Labeling of EEG Caps
[EMBC07] Automatic Labeling of EEG Electrodes Using Combinatorial Optimization
[CERTIS0736] Combinatorial optimization for electrode labeling of EEG caps
[PMB06] Generalized head models for MEG/EEG: BEM beyond nested volumes
[TMI05] Integral Formulations for the EEG Problem
[NFSI05] Imaging Methods for MEG/EEG Inverse Problem
[PMB05] Fast multipole acceleration of the MEG/EEG boundary element method
[NFSI03] Anatomy-based regularization for the inverse MEEG problem
[IPMI03] Symmetric BEM Formulation for the M/EEG Forward Problem
[BIOMAG02] Comparison of BEM and FEM methods for the E/MEG problem
[HBM02] A level set method for the inverse EEG/MEG problem
[ISBI02] The fast multipole method for the direct E/MEG problem
[AIP01] A level set method for the inverse eeg/meg problem
[CERMICS195] Méthodes intégrales pour le problème direct de la magnéto-électro-encéphalographie tridimensionnelle
[INRIA3673] The inverse EEG and MEG problems: The adjoint space approach I: The continuous case
![](images/Extended shape gradients, Landmarks, Statistics.png) |
Extended shape gradients, Landmarks, Statistics
[IJCV07b] Generalized gradients: Priors on minimization flows
[ICPR06c] Reconciling landmarks and level sets
[ICASSP06] Distance-based Shape statistics
[CERTIS0623] Generalized gradients: Priors on minimization flows
[ICCV05a] Designing spatially coherent minimizing flows for variational problems based on active contours
[RR5726] Reconciling landmarks and level sets: geometric shape warping and matching using generalized gradients and correspondence-augmented implicit representations
![](images/Shape Warping and Statistics.png) |
Shape Warping and Statistics
[CVPR07a] Shape Statistics for Image Segmentation with Prior
[CERTIS0729] Shape Statistics for Image Segmentation with Prior
[SAS06a] Approximations of shape metrics and application to shape warping and empirical shape statistics
[FOCM05] Approximations of shape metrics and application to shape warping and empirical shape statistics
[ICIP03] Shape Metrics,Warping and Statistics
[IWOR03] Shape warping and statistics
[PRCV03] Shape metrics, warping and statistics
![](images/Level Sets, Point Correspondences, Tangential Velocity.png) |
Level Sets, Point Correspondences, Tangential Velocity
[JCP06] Maintaining the point correspondence in the level set framework
[ICCV03b] How to deal with point correspondences and tangential velocities in the level set framework
[INRIA4587] How to deal with with point correspondences and tangential velocities in the level set framework
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Neurons on GPUs
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Pose estimation
[ICPR06a] Radon space and Adaboost for Pose Estimation
[CERTIS0622] Radon/Hough space for pose estimation
![](images/Motion Layers.png) |
Motion Layers
[ICPR06b] Robust Segmentation of Hidden Layers in Video Sequences
[RFIA06] Extraction de couches de même mouvement via des techniques combinatoires
[CERTIS0621] Robust Segmentation of Hidden Layers in Video Sequences
[EMMCVPR05] Extraction of layers of similar motion through combinatorial techniques
[CERTIS0506] Spatio-temporal Motion Estimation and Segmentation in Layers: Robust Estimators, Markov Random Fields, Visual Grouping and Graph-based Optimization
![](images/Stochastic Active Contours.png) |
Stochastic Active Contours
[IJCV06] Stochastic Motion and the Level Set Method in Computer Vision: Stochastics Active Contours
[CERTIS0401] Stochastic Motion and the Level Set Method in Computer Vision: Stochastics Active Contours
[VLSM03a] Stochastic mean curvature motion in computer vision: Stochastics active contours
![](images/Shape Optimization.png) |
Shape Optimization
[HDR06] Formes et Optimisation en Vision par Ordinateur. Méthodes et Applications
![](images/Image statistics.png) |
Image statistics
[ICCV05b] Image statistics based on diffeomorphic matching
[CERTIS0505] Diffeomorphic Matching and Image Statistics
![](images/Alpha matting and graph-cut segmentation.png) |
Alpha matting and graph-cut segmentation
[VLSM05c] Trimap Segmentation for Fast and User-Friendly Alpha Matting
[CERTIS0504] Unsupervised Segmentation for Digital Matting
![](images/Vision and GPUs.png) |
Vision and GPUs
![](images/Fusion of telemetric and photographic data.png) |
Fusion of telemetric and photographic data
[3DIM05] An Improved Calibration Technique for Coupled Single-Row Telemeter and CCD Camera
![](images/Hand Tracking and French Sign Language.png) |
Hand Tracking and French Sign Language
![](images/Level Sets and Electrons.png) |
Level Sets and Electrons
[TCA04] How electrons guard the space: shape optimization with probability distribution criteria
![](images/Cortex unfolding.png) |
Cortex unfolding
![](images/Shape from contours and Level Sets.png) |
Shape from contours and Level Sets
![](images/Vessel segmentation.png) |
Vessel segmentation
[MIA01] CURVES: Curve Evolution for Vessel Segmentation
[CVPR00] Co-dimension 2 geodesic active contours for the segmentation of tubular structures
[IPMI99] Co-dimension 2 geodesic active contours for mra segmentation
[MICCAI98] Segmentation of bone in clinical knee mri using texture-based geodesic active contours
![](images/Evolution of 3D curves.png) |
Evolution of 3D curves
![](images/Toward a projective scale-space.png) |
Toward a projective scale-space
[ICAOS96] On projective plane evolution
[ICIP95] Some recent results on the projective evolution of 2D curves
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Computing the affine curvature