Multiview Stereo
[CVPR2010b] Robust piecewise-planar 3D reconstruction and completion from large-scale unstructured point data
[ICIP09b] Photo-consistent surface reconstruction from noisy point clouds,
[ICIP09a] Photo-consistent surface reconstruction from noisy point clouds
[3DIM09b] Hierarchical shape-based surface reconstruction for dense multi-view stereo
[CVPR09a] Towards high-resolution large-scale multi-view stereo
[CERTIS0841] Towards high-resolution large-scale multi-view stereo
[CERTIS0840] Compact piecewise-planar models
[BMVC08] Minimizing the multi-view stereo reprojection error for triangular surface meshes
[ICCV07a] Efficient multi-view reconstruction of large-scale scenes using interest points, Delaunay triangulation and graph cuts
[ENPC12] Créer des mondes virtuels
[CERTIS0734] Voronoi Features Cut for Surface Reconstruction from Multiple Views
[3DPVT06a] Fast level set multi-view stereo on graphics hardware
[GPUICCS06a] A GPU implementation of level set multiview stereo
[CERTIS0512] A GPU implementation of level set multiview stereo
[PhD05a] Methodological and applied contributions to the deformable models framework
[3DIM09] Spatio-Temporal Image-Based Texture Atlases for Dynamic 3-D Models
[ICPR08a] Seamless image-based texture atlases using multi-band blending
[CERTIS0839] Spatio-Temporal Image-Based Texture Atlases for dynamic 3-D models
4D Stereo
[ACCV09e] Globally optimal spatio-temporal reconstruction from cluttered videos
[ACCV09c] Dense and Accurate Spatio-Temporal Multi-View Stereovision
[IMAGINE0943] Dense and Accurate Spatio-Temporal Multi-View Stereovision
[ICCV07b] Spatio-temporal shape from silhouette using four-dimensional Delaunay meshing
[IJCV07] Multi-view stereo reconstruction and scene flow estimation with a global image-based matching score
[HMMCV06a] Modelling non-rigid dynamic scenes from multi-view image sequences
[CVPR05b] Modelling dynamic scenes by registering multi-view image sequences
[INRIA5321] Modelling dynamic scenes by registering multi-view image sequences
[ICCV03a] Variational stereovision and 3D scene flow estimation with statistical similarity measures
Image Segmentation
[ACCV09a] Transductive segmentation of textured meshes
[SSVM07] Towards segmentation based on a shape prior manifold
Surface Reconstruction
[CGF09] Robust and efficient surface reconstruction from range data
Deformable models, Delaunay
[ETVC08] From segmented images to good quality meshes using Delaunay refinement.
[CGF07] A Lagrangian approach to dynamic interfaces through kinetic triangulation of the ambient space
[SGP07] Generalized surface flows for mesh processing
[CVPR07b] Delaunay deformable models: Topology-adaptive meshes based on the restricted Delaunay triangulation
[CERTIS0628] Delaunay deformable models: Topology-adaptive meshes based on the restricted Delaunay triangulation
[SGP06] A Lagrangian approach to dynamic interfaces through kinetic triangulation of the ambient space
Sustainable Cities
[CDVE08] 3D reconstruction of large-scale city models as a support to sustainable development
Extended shape gradients, Landmarks, Statistics
[IJCV07b] Generalized gradients: Priors on minimization flows
[CERTIS0623] Generalized gradients: Priors on minimization flows
[ICCV05a] Designing spatially coherent minimizing flows for variational problems based on active contours
Brain anatomy and function
[IPMI07] High-quality consistent meshing of multi-label datasets
[CVPR06] Control theory and fast marching methods for brain connectivity mapping
[INRIA5845] Control theory and fast marching methods for brain connectivity mapping
[HBM04] fMRI data smoothing constrained to the cortical surface: A comparison of the level-set and mesh-based approaches
[Neuroimage04] Variational, geometric and statistical methods for modeling brain anatomy and function
Level Sets, Point Correspondences, Tangential Velocity
[JCP06] Maintaining the point correspondence in the level set framework
[ICCV03b] How to deal with point correspondences and tangential velocities in the level set framework
[INRIA4587] How to deal with with point correspondences and tangential velocities in the level set framework
Shape Manifolds
Segmentation and Topology
[AIM0520] A novel active contour framework: Multi-component level set evolution under topology control
[CVBIA05b] A novel level set framework for the segmentation of medical images under topology control
Cortex unfolding