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Veltz, Romain - Publications : By date By domain
  • [NeuralComp09] Faugeras, O. and Veltz, R. and Grimbert, F. Persistent neural states: stationary localized activity patterns in nonlinear continuous n-population, q-dimensional neural networks. Neural Computation, 21(1), p147-187, 2009. (.bib)

  • [CSN09] Veltz, R. and Faugeras, O. How do the solutions of neural mass equations bifurcate : a functional analysis framework. Computational and Systems Neuroscience conference, Salt Lake City, Feb 2009. (.bib)
  • [NeuroComp08] Veltz, R. and Faugeras, O. Bifurcations in neural masses. Neurocomp conference, Marseille, Oct 2008. (.bib)