This page will mostly
be obsolete on December 1st, 2009 when I start a new job as senior researcher (aka "directeur de recherche") in the Imagine group at the École des Ponts ParisTech (aka ENPC) New web site: New mail address: |
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Associate Research Scientist (aka "chargé de recherche") at INRIA, in the SIGNES group. *** Valid only until November 30th, 2009 ***
Contents |
Research Interests |
My current research interest (since 2005) goes to natural language processing (NLP), especially to the syntax-semantics interface and to discourse analysis. Here are some more specific subjects I work on (or I have been working on):
My former main interest (before 2005) was for better ways to write better programs, i.e., how to rapidly write safer, faster and smaller programs. Please visit my "other life's web page" for details.
Projects |
Some events I am / have been involved in |
A Few Publications and Reports (since 2005) |
See my "other life's web page" for publications and patents concerning programming languages, software engineering & co.
Copyright Notice. The documents available here have been provided by the contributing authors as a means to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work on a noncommercial basis. Copyright and all rights therein are maintained by the authors or by other copyright holders, notwithstanding that they have offered their works here electronically. It is understood that all persons copying this information will adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each copyright holder. In particular, these works may not be reposted without the explicit permission of the copyright holders.
Professional Itinerary |
After my studies at the École polytechnique (1988), I left the hectic Parisian life to specialize in computer science (DEA) and software engineering (Masters) in the beautiful French Riviera (1989). During my Ph.D. (1990-1994), I worked on the semantics of programming languages and on partial evaluation in Gilles Kahn's group (CROAP) at INRIA Sophia Antipolis. I also spent a year in the LFCS at the University of Edinburgh (1993-1994). I then moved to Toulouse -- a city after my own heart -- to work for a company named Simulog, doing program analyses and transformations for reverse engineering (1994-96). Wanting more research and more fun, I joined the Compose group (1996-2000), formerly at IRISA / INRIA (Rennes) and now at LaBRI / INRIA (Bordeaux). I then worked for Trusted Logic (2000-2004) on development, safety and security issues for small embedded systems (smart cards, cell phones, payment terminals, etc.), applying research techniques to realistic data. But I have always been interested in natural languages as well, and I have now (2005-) joined the Signes group at LaBRI / INRIA (Bordeaux), to work on natural language processing. See my resume (in French) for details.
Is There A Life After Work? |
When I am not kept busy by the above topics, here is what I like:
Where to find me (personal) |
35 rue neuve 33000 Bordeaux Tel: +33 5 57 85 83 32 |