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Domain : 3D Learning Vision Constraint Prog. Sustain. Devel. Medical
Image statistics
[BMVC11] Image denoising with patch based PCA: local versus global
[ICCV05b] Image statistics based on diffeomorphic matching
[CERTIS0505] Diffeomorphic Matching and Image Statistics

[ARCHEOFOSS] Python Photogrammetry Toolbox: A free solution for Three-Dimensional Documentation
[FNT10] Geodesic Methods in Computer Vision and Graphics
[ICIP2010] Level lines shortening yields an image curvature microscope
[GDITM10] Geometric Description of Images as Topographic Maps
[CERTIS0842] Vanishing point detection for road detection
[INFO07] Programmation en C++
[ICPR06e] Uncertainties-driven Surface Morphing: The case of Photo-realistic Transitions between Facial Expressions
[HBM06] Quantitative Evaluation of Automated Skull-Stripping Methods Applied to Contemporary and Legacy Images: Effects of Diagnosis, Bias Correction, and Slice Location
[HMMCV06] The Handbook of Mathematical Models in Computer Vision
[CERTIS0518] Application of Particle Filtering to Image Enhancement
[CERTIS0519] Uniform and textured Regions Separation in Natural images towards Better Denoising
[CERTIS0517] Uncertainties-driven Surface Morphing:The case of Photo-realistic Transitions between Facial Expressions
[MICCAI05b] 3D Freehand Ultrasound Reconstruction based on Probe Trajectory
[VGLSM05] Proceedings of the Workshop on Variational, Geometricand Level Set Methods in Computer Vision
[GLSMIVG03] Geometric Level Set Methods in Imaging, Vision and Graphics
[GLSMIVG03a] Variational Principles in Optical Flow Estimation and Tracking
[GLSMIVG03b] Shape Analysis Towards Model-based Segmentation
[JNPC03a] Hybridation de GWW avec de la recherche locale
[JNPC03b] Algorithmes pour la détection de rigidités dans les CSP géométriques
[VLSM03] Proceedings of the Workshop on Variational, Geometric and Level Set Methods
[CFD96] Optimal Control for the parabolized Navier-Stokes system
[INRIA2653] Contrôle de Navier-Stokes parabolisé
[PPAI95] Problem Partition and Solvers Coordination in Distributed Constraint Satisfaction
[ECAI94] Arc-Consistency for Dynamic Constraint Problems: An RMS-free Approach
[TAI94] Maintaining Arc Consistency through Constraint Retraction
[INFOX86] Corrigés de l'épreuve d'Informatique de l'Ecole Polytechnique

3D video surveillance
[ICCV11b] Data-driven Crowd Analysis in Videos
[ICCV11a] Density-aware person detection and tracking in crowds
[TIP10b] Detecting Abandoned Objects with a Moving Camera
[TIP10a] General road detection from a single image
[CVPR09c] Vanishing point detection for road detection
[ICIP04] Uncalibrated stereo rectification for automatic 3D surveillance

Shape Manifolds
[PhD09d] Manifold learning and applications to shape and image processing
[SSVM09] Karcher means for shape and image denoising
[CERTIS0837] Pre-image as karcher mean using diffusion maps
[PhD08] Statistical Learning, Shape Manifolds, Applications to Image Segmentation
[ICCV07c] Shape priors using Manifold Learning Techniques
[ICIP2007] Projection Onto a Shape Manifold for Image Segmentation with Prior
[CERTIS0733] Projection onto manifolds, manifold denoising and application to image segmentation with non linear
[CERTIS0625] Projecting onto a shape prior manifold

Marked point process
[ICIP09] Lidar Waveform Modeling using a Marked Point Process
[TPAMI09a] Geometric Feature Extraction by a Multi-Marked Point Process

Minimal paths
[CVPR09b] Extraction of Tubular Structures over an Orientation Domain

Graph Cuts
[PhD09a] Paradigmes de segmentation de graphe : comparaisons et applications en traitement d'images
[IMAVIS09] Some links between extremum spanning forests, watersheds and min-cut
[ICCV07d] Graph-cut transducers for relevance feedback in content based image retrieval
[ISMM07] Some links between min-cuts, optimal spanning forests and watersheds
[PhD06a] Quelques extentions des Level Sets et des Graph Cuts

Vision and GPUs
[PhD08b] Quelques applications de la programmation des processeurs graphiques à la simulation neuronale et à la vision par ordinateur
[CERTIS0507] GPU-Cuts and Adaptive Object Extraction

Extended shape gradients, Landmarks, Statistics
[PhD08a] Shape gradients, shape warping and medical application to facial expression analysis
[IJCV07b] Generalized gradients: Priors on minimization flows
[ICPR06c] Reconciling landmarks and level sets
[ICASSP06] Distance-based Shape statistics
[CERTIS0623] Generalized gradients: Priors on minimization flows
[ICCV05a] Designing spatially coherent minimizing flows for variational problems based on active contours
[RR5726] Reconciling landmarks and level sets: geometric shape warping and matching using generalized gradients and correspondence-augmented implicit representations

Epilepsy and Facial Expressions
[ICPR08c] 3D model fitting for facial expression analysis under uncontrolled imaging conditions

Shape Warping and Statistics
[CVPR07a] Shape Statistics for Image Segmentation with Prior
[CERTIS0729] Shape Statistics for Image Segmentation with Prior
[PhD06c] Statistiques de formes pour la segmentation d'images avec a priori
[SAS06a] Approximations of shape metrics and application to shape warping and empirical shape statistics
[SAS06b] On the Representation of Shapes Using Implicit Functions
[ICCV05c] Modelling Shapes with Uncertainties : Higher Order Polynomials, Variable Bandwidth Kernels and Non-Parametric Density Estimation
[FOCM05] Approximations of shape metrics and application to shape warping and empirical shape statistics
[ICIP03] Shape Metrics,Warping and Statistics
[IWOR03] Shape warping and statistics
[PRCV03] Shape metrics, warping and statistics

Level Sets, Point Correspondences, Tangential Velocity
[JCP06] Maintaining the point correspondence in the level set framework
[ICCV03b] How to deal with point correspondences and tangential velocities in the level set framework
[INRIA4587] How to deal with with point correspondences and tangential velocities in the level set framework

Motion Layers
[PhD06b] Suivi de parties cachées dans une séquence vidéo
[ICPR06b] Robust Segmentation of Hidden Layers in Video Sequences
[RFIA06] Extraction de couches de même mouvement via des techniques combinatoires
[CERTIS0621] Robust Segmentation of Hidden Layers in Video Sequences
[EMMCVPR05] Extraction of layers of similar motion through combinatorial techniques
[CERTIS0506] Spatio-temporal Motion Estimation and Segmentation in Layers: Robust Estimators, Markov Random Fields, Visual Grouping and Graph-based Optimization
[VLSM03b] Implicit Representations towards Recovery and Reconstruction of Motion Layers

[ICPR06d] Image Renaissance Using Discrete Optimization
[CERTIS0511] Image renaissance using discrete optimization and the alpha-expansion algorithm

Stochastic Active Contours
[IJCV06] Stochastic Motion and the Level Set Method in Computer Vision: Stochastics Active Contours
[PhD04b] Systèmes dynamiques stochastiques
[CERTIS0401] Stochastic Motion and the Level Set Method in Computer Vision: Stochastics Active Contours
[VLSM03a] Stochastic mean curvature motion in computer vision: Stochastics active contours

Real time tracking
[BMVC06] Real-Time Feature Matching using Adaptive and Spatially Distributed Classification Trees

Shape Optimization
[HDR06] Formes et Optimisation en Vision par Ordinateur. Méthodes et Applications

Shape priors
[HMMCV06b] Curve Propagation, Level Set Methods & Grouping
[CERTIS0508] Introducing error estimation in the shape learning framework : Spline based registration and non-parametric density estimator in the space of higher order polynomials

Hand Tracking and French Sign Language
[CERTIS0516] Hand Poste Estimation with Constrained Multi-hypotheses Gradient-Descent
[CERTIS0402] Hand Tracking
[RFIA04] Hand tracking and applications to French Sign Language

Motion Analysis and Tracking
[VLSM05b] Implicit Free-Form-Deformations for multi-frame Segmentation and Tracking
[CERTIS0509] Implicit higher order polynomials for motion estimation and tracking
[ICIP05] Higher Order Polynomials, Free Form Deformations and Optical Flow Estimation
[CVIU04] Geodesic Active Regions and Level Set Methods for Motion Estimation and Tracking

Alpha matting and graph-cut segmentation
[VLSM05c] Trimap Segmentation for Fast and User-Friendly Alpha Matting
[CERTIS0504] Unsupervised Segmentation for Digital Matting

Background Substraction
[CVPR05a] Fast Illumination-invariant Background Subtraction using Two Views: Error Analysis, Sensor Placement and Applications
[CVPR04] Motion-Based Background Subtraction using Adaptive Kernel Density Estimation
[ICCV03c] Background Modeling and Subtraction of Dynamic Scenes

Level Sets and Electrons
[TCA04] How electrons guard the space: shape optimization with probability distribution criteria

Gradient Vector Flow
[PAMI04] Gradient Vector Flow Fast Geometric Active Contours

Non rigid registration
[CVIU03] Distance Transforms for Non-Rigid Registation

Evolution of 3D curves
[PhD97chapter] 3D curve geometric flows

Toward a projective scale-space
[ICAOS96] On projective plane evolution
[ICIP95] Some recent results on the projective evolution of 2D curves

Computing the affine curvature
[GMICV95] Scale-spaces and affine curvature