!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd"> Renaud Marlet's web page
   Renaud Marlet's picture    Renaud MARLET
Senior researcher (directeur de recherche) at ENPC in the IMAGINE research group (since 2009).
Principal Scientist at Valeo.ai, a research lab of Valeo (since 2019).
Member of the Astra-vision research group at Inria (since 2022).

6, Avenue Blaise Pascal – Cité Descartes
77455 Marne-la-Vallée cedex 2 - France

How to come...
     Office:  Coriolis B415
Tel.:  +33 1 64 15 21 86
Fax:  +33 1 64 15 35 86
e-mail:  marlet@enpc.fr
URL:  http://imagine.enpc.fr/~renaud.marlet/

      Open Positions       Research       Publications       Teaching       Resume

Open Positions

No open position at the moment (internship, PhD, ...).

For any application, please send:

Recommendation letters are a plus, but are not compulsory at internship level.


After having worked on programming languages, software engineering, security and natural language processing, I have turned to computer vision. I have joined the IMAGINE group in 2009, and Valeo.ai in 2019 (staying part-time in IMAGINE). I have also been a member of the Astra-vision group at Inria since 2022.

I am interested in the reconstruction of 3D models from images and range data, regarding both geometry and semantics, in particular with applications to building and city modeling:

I was the coordinator (PI) of ANR project Semapolis (2013-2017) on the Semantic Visual Analysis and 3D Reconstruction of Urban Environments.

More recently, I have also been interested in computer vision for robotic applications in the context of civil engineering as well as safe driving and autonomous vehicles, using both 2D and 3D data.

Selected Publications in Computer Vision & Geometry Processing

See also publications on Google Scholar.

You may also take a look at my publications in other lives, concerning natural language processing (NLP) as well as programming languages, software engineering and security.


Ingénierie de la spécialisation de programmes 1
(principes et applications)

Ingénierie de la spécialisation de programmes 2
(techniques avancées)
The publisher had these
two volumes transmogrified
into some sort of
technical English
and bundled into a single book
titled Program Specialization.
Please refer to the French version if you come across inconsistencies in the English one.

Teaching [ Enseignement ]

Vision 3D artificielle [ENS Paris Saclay, Master MVA]
Vision algorithmique : reconstruction 3D (VIALG) [UPMC/Télécom, Master d'informatique, spécialité IMA]
