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  Research   Publications
  • [FNT10] Peyré, G. and Péchaud, M. and Keriven, R. and Cohen, L. D. Geodesic Methods in Computer Vision and Graphics. Foundations and Trends in Computer Graphics and Vision , 5, Dec 2010. (.bib)
  • [INFO07] Keriven, R. Programmation en C++. Cours de l'Ecole des ponts, Oct 2007. (.bib)
  • [HDR06] Keriven, R. Formes et Optimisation en Vision par Ordinateur. Méthodes et Applications. Habilitation à Diriger les Recherches UMLV, Jun 2006. (.bib)
  • [INFOX86] Keriven, R. Corrigés de l'épreuve d'Informatique de l'Ecole Polytechnique. Ellipses, 1986. (.bib)

Book Chapters
  • [HMMCV06a] Pons, J.-P. and Keriven, R. and Faugeras, O. Modelling non-rigid dynamic scenes from multi-view image sequences. Mathematical Models in Computer Vision: The Handbook. N. Paragios, Y. Chen and O. Faugeras Eds, Springer, 2006. (.bib)
  • [SAS06a] Charpiat, G. and Faugeras, O. and Keriven, R. and Maurel, P. Approximations of shape metrics and application to shape warping and empirical shape statistics. Statistics and Analysis of Shapes. H. Krim and A. Yezzi Eds, Springer, 2006. (.bib)
  • [GLSMIVG03c] Faugeras, O. and Gomes, J. and Keriven, R. Variational Principles in Computational Stereo. Geometric Level Set Methods in Imaging, Vision and Graphics. Osher and Paragios Eds., 2003. (.bib)
  • [PhD97chapter] Keriven, R. 3D curve geometric flows. Equations aux Dérivées Partielles, Evolutions de Courbes et de Surfaces et Espaces d'Echelle: Applications à la Vision par Ordinateur, Dec 1997. (.bib)

  • [PAMI10] Sahbi, H. and Audibert, J.-Y. and Keriven, R. Context-Dependent Kernels for Object Classification. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Oct 2010. (.bib)
  • [TIP10] Lafarge, F. and Keriven, R. and Brédif, M Insertion of 3D-primitives in mesh-based representations: Towards compact models preserving the details. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, Jan 2010. (.bib)
  • [TBE09] Gramfort, A. and Keriven, R. and Clerc, M. Graph-based variability estimation in single-trial event-related neural responses. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, Dec 2009. (.bib)
  • [IMAVIS09] Allène, C. and Audibert, J.-Y. and Couprie, M. and Keriven, R Some links between extremum spanning forests, watersheds and min-cut. Image and Vision Computing, 2009. (.bib)
  • [CGF09] Labatut, P. and Pons, J.-P. and Keriven, R. Robust and efficient surface reconstruction from range data. Computer Graphics Forum, 2009. (.bib)
  • [IJCV07b] Charpiat, G. and Maurel, P. and Pons, J.-P. and Keriven, R. and Faugeras, O. Generalized gradients: Priors on minimization flows. The International Journal of Computer Vision, 73(3), p325-344, Jul 2007. (.bib)
  • [IJCV07] Pons, J.-P. and Keriven, R. and Faugeras, O. Multi-view stereo reconstruction and scene flow estimation with a global image-based matching score. The International Journal of Computer Vision, 72(2), p179-193, Apr 2007. (.bib)
  • [JCP06] Pons, J.-P. and Hermosillo, G. and Keriven, R. and Faugeras, O. Maintaining the point correspondence in the level set framework. Journal of Computational Physics, 220(1), p339-354, Dec 2006. (.bib)
  • [IJCV06] Juan, O. and Keriven, R. and Postelnicu, G. Stochastic Motion and the Level Set Method in Computer Vision: Stochastics Active Contours. International Journal of Computer Vision, 69(1), p7-25, Aug 2006. (.bib)
  • [LaRecherche06] Keriven, R. Augmenter la réalité. La Recherche, 398, Jun 2006. (.bib)
  • [PMB06] Kybic, J. and Clerc, M. and Faugeras, O. and Keriven, R. and Papadopoulo, T. Generalized head models for MEG/EEG: BEM beyond nested volumes. Physics in Medecine and Biology, 51, p1333-1346, Mar 2006. (.bib)
  • [FOCM05] Charpiat, G. and Faugeras, O. and Keriven, R. Approximations of shape metrics and application to shape warping and empirical shape statistics. Foundations of Computational Mathematics, Feb 2005. (.bib)
  • [TMI05] Abboud, T. and Clerc, M. and Faugeras, O. and Keriven, R. and Kybic, J. and Papadopoulo, T. Integral Formulations for the EEG Problem. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, Jan 2005. (.bib)
  • [PMB05] Kybic, J. and Clerc, M. and Faugeras, O. and Keriven, R. and Papadopoulo, T. Fast multipole acceleration of the MEG/EEG boundary element method. Physics in Medecine and Biology, 50, p4695-4710, 2005. (.bib)
  • [TCA04] Cancès, E. and Keriven, R. and Lodier, F and Savin, A. How electrons guard the space: shape optimization with probability distribution criteria. Theoretical Chemistry Accounts: Theory, Computation and Modeling, 111(2-6), p373-380, Mar 2004. (.bib)
  • [Neuroimage04] Faugeras, O. and Adde, G. and Charpiat, G. and Chefd'Hotel, C. and Clerc, M. and Deriche, R. and Hermosillo, G. and Keriven, R. and Kornprobst, P. and Kybic, J. and Lenglet, C. and Lopez-Perez, L. and Papadopoulo, T. and Pons, J.-P. and Ségonne, F. and Thirion, B. and Tschumperlé, D. and Viéville, T. and Wotawa, N. Variational, geometric and statistical methods for modeling brain anatomy and function. NeuroImage, 23(S1), pS46-S55, 2004. (.bib)
  • [MIA01] Lorigo, L.M. and Faugeras, O.D. and Grimson, W.E.L and Keriven, R. and Kikinis, R. and Nabavi, A. and Westin, C-F. CURVES: Curve Evolution for Vessel Segmentation. Medical Image Analysis, 5, p195-206, 2001. (.bib)
  • [LaRecherche99] Keriven, R. La vision informatique du relief. La Recherche, 1(318), p36-40, Mar 1999. (.bib)
  • [TIP98] Keriven, R. and Faugeras, O. Variational principles, surface evolution, PDEs, level set methodsand the stereo problem. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 7(3), p336-344, Mar 1998. (.bib)

  • [ECCV2010a] Courchay, J. and Dalalyan, A. and Keriven, R. and Sturm, P. Exploiting Loops in the Graph of Trifocal Tensors for Calibrating a Network of Cameras. Computer Vision, 6312, p85-99, Crète, Aug 2010. (.bib)
  • [CVPR2010a] Lafarge, F. and Keriven, R. and Brédif, M and Vu, H-H. Hybrid multi-view Reconstruction by Jump-Diffusion. Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), San Fransisco, Jun 2010. (.bib)
  • [NIPS09] Dalalyan, A. and Keriven, R. L1-Penalized Robust Estimation for a Class of Inverse Problems Arising in Multiview Geometry. 23d Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems, Vancouver, Canada, Dec 2009. (.bib)
  • [MICCAI09] Péchaud, M. and Keriven, R. and Descoteaux, M. Brain Connectivity using Geodesics in HARDI. IEEE International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI), London, Sep 2009. (.bib)
  • [CVPR09b] Péchaud, M. and Keriven, R. and Peyré G. Extraction of Tubular Structures over an Orientation Domain. Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), Miami, Jun 2009. (.bib)
  • [CVPR09a] Vu, H-H. and Keriven, R. and Labatut, P. and Pons, J.-P Towards high-resolution large-scale multi-view stereo. Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), Miami, Jun 2009. (.bib)
  • [ICML08a] Sahbi, H. and Audibert, J.Y. and Rabarisoa, J. and Keriven, R. Robust Matching and Recognition using Context-Dependent Kernels. 25th International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), Helsinki, Finlande, Jul 2008. (.bib)
  • [CVPR08a] Duchenne, O. and Audibert, J.Y. and Keriven, R. and Ponce, J. and Ségonne, F. Segmentation by transduction. Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), Anchorage, Alaska, Jun 2008. (.bib)
  • [CVPR08b] Sahbi, H. and Etyngier, P. and Audibert, J.Y. and Keriven, R. Manifold Learning using Robust Graph Laplacian for Interactive Image Retrieval. Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), Anchorage, Alaska, Jun 2008. (.bib)
  • [CVPR08c] Sahbi, H. and Audibert, J.Y. and Rabarisoa, H. and Keriven, R. Context-Dependent Kernel Design for Object Matching and Recognition. Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), Anchorage, Alaska, Jun 2008. (.bib)
  • [ICCV07a] Labatut, P. and Pons, J.-P. and Keriven, R. Efficient multi-view reconstruction of large-scale scenes using interest points, Delaunay triangulation and graph cuts. IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Oct 2007. (.bib)
  • [ICCV07b] Aganj, E. and Pons, J.-P. and Ségonne, F. and Keriven, R. Spatio-temporal shape from silhouette using four-dimensional Delaunay meshing. IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Oct 2007. (.bib)
  • [ICCV07c] Etyngier, P. and Ségonne, F. and Keriven, R. Shape priors using Manifold Learning Techniques. 11th IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Oct 2007. (.bib)
  • [ICCV07d] Sahbi, H. and Audibert, J-Y. and Keriven, R. Graph-cut transducers for relevance feedback in content based image retrieval. the 11th IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Oct 2007. (.bib)
  • [MICCAI2007] Etyngier, P. and Ségonne, F. and Keriven, R. Active-Contour-Based Image Segmentation using Machine Learning Techniques. 10th IEEE International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention, p891-899, Brisbane, Australia, Oct 2007. (.bib)
  • [MICCAI2007b] Péchaud, M. and Keriven, R. and Papadopoulo, T. and Badie, J.-M. Combinatorial Optimization for Electrode Labeling of EEG Caps. MICCAI, 10th International Conference, Brisbane, Australia, Oct 2007. (.bib)
  • [IPMI07] Pons, J.-P. and Ségonne, F. and Boissonnat, J.-D. and Rineau, L. and Yvinec, M. and Keriven, R. High-quality consistent meshing of multi-label datasets. Information Processing in Medical Imaging, 4584, p198-210, Jul 2007. (.bib)
  • [CVPR07a] Charpiat, G. and Faugeras, O. and Keriven, R. Shape Statistics for Image Segmentation with Prior. IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Minneapolis, USA, Jun 2007. (.bib)
  • [ICCV05a] Charpiat, G. and Keriven, R. and Pons, J.-P. and Faugeras, O. Designing spatially coherent minimizing flows for variational problems based on active contours. 10th International Conference on Computer Vision, 2, p1403-1408, Beijing, China, Oct 2005. (.bib)
  • [ICCV05b] Charpiat, G. and Keriven, R. and Faugeras, O. Image statistics based on diffeomorphic matching. 10th International Conference On Computer Vision, Beijing, Oct 2005. (.bib)
  • [CVPR05b] Pons, J.-P. and Keriven, R. and Faugeras, O. Modelling dynamic scenes by registering multi-view image sequences. IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2, p822-827, San Diego, USA, Jun 2005. (.bib)
  • [MICCAI04a] Pons, J.-P. and Faugeras, O. and Keriven, R. Area preserving cortex unfolding. International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention, 1, p376-383, Saint-Malo, France, 2004. (.bib)
  • [ICCV03a] Pons, J.-P. and Keriven, R. and Faugeras, O. and Hermosillo, G. Variational stereovision and 3D scene flow estimation with statistical similarity measures. 9th International Conference On Computer Vision, 2, p597-602, Nice, France, Oct 2003. (.bib)
  • [ICCV03b] Pons, J.-P. and Hermosillo, G. and Keriven, R. and Faugeras, O. How to deal with point correspondences and tangential velocities in the level set framework. 9th International Conference on Computer Vision, 2, p894-899, Nice, France, Oct 2003. (.bib)
  • [IPMI03] Adde, G. and Clerc, M. and Faugeras, O. and Keriven, R. and Kybic, J. and Papadopoulo, T. Symmetric BEM Formulation for the M/EEG Forward Problem. International Conference on Information Processing in Medical Imaging, Ambleside, Jul 2003. (.bib)
  • [CVPR00] Lorigo, L.M. and Faugeras, O.D. and Grimson, W.E.L and Keriven, R. and Kikinis, R. and Nabavi, A. and Westin, C-F Co-dimension 2 geodesic active contours for the segmentation of tubular structures. IEEE Conference in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Jun 2000. (.bib)
  • [IPMI99] Lorigo, L.M. and Faugeras, O.D. and Grimson, W.E.L and Keriven, R. and Kikinis, R. and Westin, C-F Co-dimension 2 geodesic active contours for mra segmentation. International Conference on Information Processing in Medical Imaging, Jun 1999. (.bib)
  • [MICCAI98] Lorigo, L.M. and Faugeras, O.D. and Grimson, W.E.L and Keriven, R. and Kikinis, R. Segmentation of bone in clinical knee mri using texture-based geodesic active contours. International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention, Oct 1998. (.bib)
  • [ECCV98] Keriven, R. and Faugeras, O. Complete dense stereovision using level set methods. 5th European Conference on Computer Vision, 1998. (.bib)

  • [3DPVT10] Courchay, J. and Dalalyan, A. and Keriven, R. and Sturm, P. A global camera network calibration method with Linear Programming. , May 2010. (.bib)
  • [ICIP09a] Aganj, E. and Keriven, R. and Pons, J.-P. Photo-consistent surface reconstruction from noisy point clouds. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, Cairo, Egypt, Nov 2009. (.bib)
  • [ACCV09e] Aganj, E. and Pons, J.-P. and Keriven, R. Globally optimal spatio-temporal reconstruction from cluttered videos. Asian Conference on Computer Vision, Xi’ an, China, Sep 2009. (.bib)
  • [ACCV09d] Aganj, E. and Monasse, P. and Keriven, R. Multi-View Texturing of Imprecise Mesh. Asian Conference on Computer Vision, Xi’ an, China, Sep 2009. (.bib)
  • [MLVMA09] Dalalyan, A. and Keriven, R. Sparse Learning Approach to the Problem of Robust Estimation of Camera Locations. The 2nd International Workshop on Machine Learning for Vision-based Motion Analysis, Kyoto, Japan, Sep 2009. (.bib)
  • [ACCV09c] Courchay, J. and Pons, J.-P. and Monasse, P. and Keriven, R. Dense and Accurate Spatio-Temporal Multi-View Stereovision. Asian Conference on Computer Vision, Xi’ an, China, Sep 2009. (.bib)
  • [ACCV09b] Thorstensen, N. and Keriven, R. Non-rigid shape matching using geometry and photometry. Asian Conference on Computer Vision, Xi’ an, China, Sep 2009. (.bib)
  • [ACCV09a] Chauve, A.-L. and Pons, J.-P. and Audibert, J.-Y. and Keriven, R. Transductive segmentation of textured meshes. Asian Conference on Computer Vision, Xi’ an, China, Sep 2009. (.bib)
  • [BMVC09] Lafarge, F. and Keriven, R. and Brédif, M Combining meshes and geometric primitives for accurate and semantic modeling. Proceedings of British Machine Vision Conference, London, Sep 2009. (.bib)
  • [SSVM09] Thorstensen, N. and Segonne, F. and Keriven, R. Karcher means for shape and image denoising. International Conference on Scale Space (SSVM), Norway, Jun 2009. (.bib)
  • [ISMRM09] Aganhj, I. and Lenglet, C. and Keriven, R. and Sapiro, G. and Harel, N. and Thompson, P. A Hough transform global approach to diffusion MRI tractography. International Meeting of the Internation Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medecine, Honolulu, Apr 2009. (.bib)
  • [ICPR08c] Maurel, P. and McGonigal, A. and Chauvel, P. and Keriven, R. 3D model fitting for facial expression analysis under uncontrolled imaging conditions. 19th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Tampa, US, Dec 2008. (.bib)
  • [ICPR08b] Chariot, A. and Keriven, R. GPU-boosted online image matching. 19th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Tampa, US, Dec 2008. (.bib)
  • [ICPR08a] Allène, C. and Pons, J-P. and Keriven, R. Seamless image-based texture atlases using multi-band blending. 19th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Tampa, US, Dec 2008. (.bib)
  • [ICIP08] Thorstensen, N. and Segonne, F. and Keriven, R. Normalization and Preimage Problem in Gaussian Kernel PCA. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, San Diego, USA, Oct 2008. (.bib)
  • [CBMI08] Sahbi, H. and Audibert, J.Y. and Rabarisoa, J. and Keriven, R. Object Recognition and Retrieval by Context Dependent Similarity Kernels. Sixth International Workshop on Content-Based Multimedia Indexing, London, Jun 2008. (.bib)
  • [ISBI08] Péchaud, M. and Vanzetta, I. and Deneux, T. and Keriven, R. SIFT-based Sequence Registration and Flow-based Cortical Vessel Segmentation applied to High Resolution Optical Imaging Data. Proceedings of ISBI 2008, Paris, May 2008. (.bib)
  • [ICASSP08] Sahbi, H. and Etyngier, P. and Audibert, J-Y. and Keriven, R. Interactive Image Retrieval. the 33rd International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Las Vegas, Apr 2008. (.bib)
  • [ISMM07] Allène, C. and Audibert, J.-Y. and Couprie, M.and Cousty, J. and Keriven, R. Some links between min-cuts, optimal spanning forests and watersheds. Procs. 8th International Symposium on Mathematical Morphology, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Oct 2007. (.bib)
  • [ICIP2007] Etyngier, P. and Keriven, R. and Ségonne, F Projection Onto a Shape Manifold for Image Segmentation with Prior. 14th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, San Antonio, Texas, US, Sep 2007. (.bib)
  • [EMBC07] Péchaud, M. and Keriven, R. and Papadopoulo, T. and Badie, J.-M. Automatic Labeling of EEG Electrodes Using Combinatorial Optimization. 29th IEEE EMBS Annual International Conference, IEEE EMBC'07, Lyon, Aug 2007. (.bib)
  • [SSVM07] Etyngier, P. and Keriven, R. and Pons, J.-P. Towards segmentation based on a shape prior manifold. 1st International Conference on Scale Space and Variational Methods in Computer Vision, Ishia, Italy, May 2007. (.bib)
  • [NeuroComp06] Chariot, A. and Keriven, R. and Brette, R. Simulation rapide de modèles de neurones impulsionnels sur carte graphique. 1ère conférence francophone de neurosciences computationnelles, Pont-à-Mousson, Oct 2006. (.bib)
  • [ICPR06a] Etyngier, P. and Paragios, N. and Keriven, R. and Genc, Y. and Audibert, J.-Y. Radon space and Adaboost for Pose Estimation. 18th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Hong-Kong, Aug 2006. (.bib)
  • [ICPR06b] Dupont, R. and Juan, O. and Keriven, R. Robust Segmentation of Hidden Layers in Video Sequences. 18th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Hong-Kong, Aug 2006. (.bib)
  • [ICPR06c] Maurel, P. and Keriven, R. and Faugeras, O. Reconciling landmarks and level sets. 18th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Hong-Kong, Aug 2006. (.bib)
  • [3DPVT06a] Labatut, P. and Keriven, R. and Pons, J.-P. Fast level set multi-view stereo on graphics hardware. 3rd International Symposium on 3D Data Processing, Visualization and Transmission, p774-781, Chapell Hill, USA, Jun 2006. (.bib)
  • [3DPVT06b] Mairal, J. and Keriven, R. and Chariot, A. Fast and efficient dense variational stereo on GPU. 3rd International Symposium on 3D Data Processing, Visualization and Transmission, Chapell Hill, USA, Jun 2006. (.bib)
  • [GPUICCS06a] Labatut, P. and Keriven, R. and Pons, J.-P. A GPU implementation of level set multiview stereo. International Conference on Computational Science. Workshop on General Purpose Computation on Graphics Hardware (GPGPU): Methods, algorithms and applications, p212-219, Readings, UK, May 2006. (.bib)
  • [GPUICCS06b] Bernhard, F. and Keriven, R. Spiking neurons on GPUs. International Conference on Computational Science. Workshop General purpose computation on graphics hardware (GPGPU): Methods, algorithms and applications, Readings, UK, May 2006. (.bib)
  • [ICASSP06] Charpiat, G. and Faugeras, O. and Keriven, R. and Maurel, P. Distance-based Shape statistics. 31st International Conference on Acoustics, Speechand Signal Processing, May 2006. (.bib)
  • [RFIA06] Dupont, R. and Paragios, N. and Keriven, R. and Fuchs, P. Extraction de couches de même mouvement via des techniques combinatoires. 15ème Congrès Francophone AFRIF-AFIA de Reconnaissance des Formes et Intelligence Artificielle, Tour, May 2006. (.bib)
  • [EMMCVPR05] Dupont, R. and Paragios, N. and Keriven, R. and Fuchs, P. Extraction of layers of similar motion through combinatorial techniques. International Workshop On Energy Minimization Methods in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Nov 2005. (.bib)
  • [VLSM05c] Juan, Olivier and Keriven, Renaud Trimap Segmentation for Fast and User-Friendly Alpha Matting. IEEE Workshop on Variational, Geometric and Level Set Methods, Beijing, Oct 2005. (.bib)
  • [3DIM05] Dupont, R. and Fuchs, P. and Keriven, R. An Improved Calibration Technique for Coupled Single-Row Telemeter and CCD Camera. 3-D Digital Imaging and Modeling, 2005. (.bib)
  • [NFSI05] Adde, G. and Clerc, M. and Keriven, R. Imaging Methods for MEG/EEG Inverse Problem. Symposium on Noninvasive Functional Source Imaging, 2005. (.bib)
  • [RFIA04] Deriche, R. and Fua, P. and Keriven, R. and Le Jeune, F. Hand tracking and applications to French Sign Language. 14ème Congrès Francophone AFRIF-AFIA de Reconnaissance des Formes et Intelligence Artificielle, Toulouse, 2004. (.bib)
  • [VLSM03a] Juan, O. and Keriven, R. and Postelnicu, G. Stochastic mean curvature motion in computer vision: Stochastics active contours. 2nd IEEE Workshop on Variational, Geometric and Level Set Methods in Computer Vision, Nice, Oct 2003. (.bib)
  • [ICIP03] Charpiat, G. and Faugeras, O. and Keriven, R. Shape Metrics,Warping and Statistics. International Conference on Image Processing, Barcelona, Sep 2003. (.bib)
  • [IWOR03] Charpiat, G. and Faugeras, O. and Keriven, R. Shape warping and statistics. International Workshop on Object Representation for Computer Vision, Sicily, Sep 2003. (.bib)
  • [NFSI03] Adde, G. and Clerc, M. and Keriven, R. and Kybic, J. Anatomy-based regularization for the inverse MEEG problem. 4th International Symposium on Noninvasive Functional Source Imaging within the human brain and heart, Chieti, Sep 2003. (.bib)
  • [PRCV03] Charpiat, G. and Faugeras, O. and Keriven, R. Shape metrics, warping and statistics. Pattern Recognition and Computer Vision Colloquium, Prague, Apr 2003. (.bib)
  • [BIOMAG02] Clerc, M. and Dervieux, A. and Faugeras, O. and Keriven, R. and Kybic, Jan and Papadopoulo, T. Comparison of BEM and FEM methods for the E/MEG problem. Biomag, Jena, 2002. (.bib)
  • [HBM02] Clerc, M. and Faugeras, O. and Keriven, R. and Kybic, Jan and Papadopoulo, T. A level set method for the inverse EEG/MEG problem. Human Brain Mapping, Sendai, 2002. (.bib)
  • [ISBI02] Clerc, M. and Faugeras, O. and Keriven, R. and Kybic, Jan and Papadopoulo, T. The fast multipole method for the direct E/MEG problem. IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging, Washington DC, 2002. (.bib)
  • [AIP01] Keriven, R. and Barthou, C. and Bouvier, D. and Faugeras, O. and Kornprobst, P. and Papadopoulo, T. A level set method for the inverse eeg/meg problem. Applied Inverse Problems, 2001. (.bib)
  • [SS97] Keriven, R. and Faugeras, O. Level set methods and the stereo problem. 1st International Conference on Scale-Space Theory in Computer Vision, 1997. (.bib)
  • [ICAOS96] Keriven, R. and Faugeras, O. On projective plane evolution. ICAOS, 1996. (.bib)
  • [GMICV95] Keriven, R. and Faugeras, O. Scale-spaces and affine curvature. Workshop on Geometrical modelling and Invariants for Computer Vision, Xian, China, 1995. (.bib)
  • [ICIP95] Keriven, R. and Faugeras, O. Some recent results on the projective evolution of 2D curves. International Conference on Image Processing, Washington DC, 1995. (.bib)

PhD Theses
  • [PhD97] Keriven, R. Equations aux Dérivées Partielles, Evolutions de Courbes et de Surfaces et Espaces d'Echelle: Applications à la Vision par Ordinateur. ENPC, Dec 1997. (.bib)

Research Reports
  • [IMAGINE0943] Courchay, J. and Pons, J.-P. and Keriven, R. and Monasse, P. Dense and Accurate Spatio-Temporal Multi-View Stereovision. 09-43, Jul 2009. (.bib)
  • [CERTIS0841] Vu, H. and Keriven, R. and Labatut, P. and Pons, J.-P Towards high-resolution large-scale multi-view stereo. 08-41, Nov 2008. (.bib)
  • [CERTIS0840] Labatut, P. and Pons, J.-P. and Keriven, R. Compact piecewise-planar models. 08-40, Nov 2008. (.bib)
  • [CERTIS0838] Péchaud, M. and Peyré, G. and Keriven, R. Extraction of Centerlines Networks over an Orientation Domain. CERTIS 08-38, Feb 2008. (.bib)
  • [CERTIS0837] Thorstensen, N. and Segonne, F. and Keriven, R. Pre-image as karcher mean using diffusion maps. 08-37, Jan 2008. (.bib)
  • [TSI0718] Sahbi, H. and Audibert, J-Y. and Rabarisoa, J. and Keriven, R. Context-Dependent Kernel Design for Object Matching and Recognition. TSI 2007D018, Dec 2007. (.bib)
  • [ENPC12] Pons, J.-P. and Keriven, R. Créer des mondes virtuels. ENPC, Jun 2007. (.bib)
  • [CERTIS0736] Péchaud, M. and Keriven, R. and Papadopoulo, T/ and Badier, J.M. Combinatorial optimization for electrode labeling of EEG caps. CERTIS 07-36, May 2007. (.bib)
  • [CERTIS0732] Sahbi, H. and Etyngier, P. and Audibert, J.-Y. and Keriven, R. Graph Laplacian for Interactive Image Retrieval. CERTIS 07-32, Apr 2007. (.bib)
  • [CERTIS0733] Etyngier, P. and Keriven, R. and Ségonne, F. Projection onto manifolds, manifold denoising and application to image segmentation with non linear. CERTIS 07-33, Apr 2007. (.bib)
  • [CERTIS0734] Labatut, P. and Pons, J.-P. and Keriven, R. Voronoi Features Cut for Surface Reconstruction from Multiple Views. CERTIS 07-34, Apr 2007. (.bib)
  • [CERTIS0730] Sahbi, H. and Audibert, J.-Y. and Keriven, R. Graph-cut transducers for relevance feedback in content based image retrieval. CERTIS 07-30, Feb 2007. (.bib)
  • [CERTIS0729] Charpiat, G. and Faugeras, O. and Keriven, R. Shape Statistics for Image Segmentation with Prior. CERTIS 07-29, Jan 2007. (.bib)
  • [CERTIS0627] Duchenne, O. and Audibert, J.-Y. and Keriven, R. Transductive segmentation. CERTIS 06-27, Dec 2006. (.bib)
  • [CERTIS0625] Etyngier, P. and Keriven, R. and Pons, J.-P. Projecting onto a shape prior manifold. CERTIS 06-25, Nov 2006. (.bib)
  • [CERTIS0623] Charpiat, G. and Pons, J.-P. and Maurel, P. and Keriven, R. and Faugeras, O. Generalized gradients: Priors on minimization flows. CERTIS 06-23, Mar 2006. (.bib)
  • [CERTIS0621] Dupont, R. and Juan, O. and Keriven, R. Robust Segmentation of Hidden Layers in Video Sequences. CERTIS 06-21, Jan 2006. (.bib)
  • [CERTIS0622] Etyngier, P. and Paragios, N. and Audibert, J.-Y. and Keriven, R. Radon/Hough space for pose estimation. CERTIS 06-22, Jan 2006. (.bib)
  • [CERTIS0512] Labatut, P. and Keriven, R. and Pons, J.-P. A GPU implementation of level set multiview stereo. CERTIS 05-12, Nov 2005. (.bib)
  • [CERTIS0513] Mairal, J. and Keriven, R. A GPU implementation of variational stereo. CERTIS 05-13, Nov 2005. (.bib)
  • [CERTIS0515] Bernhard, F. and Keriven, R. Spiking neurons and GPUs. CERTIS 05-15, Nov 2005. (.bib)
  • [RR5726] Maurel, P. and Keriven, R. and Faugeras, O. Reconciling landmarks and level sets: geometric shape warping and matching using generalized gradients and correspondence-augmented implicit representations. INRIA 5726, Oct 2005. (.bib)
  • [CERTIS0506] Dupont, R. and Paragios, N. and Keriven, R. and Fuchs, P. Spatio-temporal Motion Estimation and Segmentation in Layers: Robust Estimators, Markov Random Fields, Visual Grouping and Graph-based Optimization. CERTIS 05-06, Mar 2005. (.bib)
  • [CERTIS0507] Dixit, N. and Keriven, R. and Paragios, N. GPU-Cuts and Adaptive Object Extraction. CERTIS 05-07, Mar 2005. (.bib)
  • [CERTIS0504] Juan, O. and Keriven, R. Unsupervised Segmentation for Digital Matting. CERTIS 05-04, Feb 2005. (.bib)
  • [CERTIS0505] Charpiat, G. and Audibert, J.-Y. and Keriven, R. and Faugeras, O. Diffeomorphic Matching and Image Statistics. CERTIS 05-05, Feb 2005. (.bib)
  • [CERTIS0402] Le Jeune, F. and Deriche, R. and Fua, P. and Keriven, R. Hand Tracking. CERTIS 04-02, Oct 2004. (.bib)
  • [CERTIS0401] Juan, O. and Keriven, R. and Postelnicu, G. Stochastic Motion and the Level Set Method in Computer Vision: Stochastics Active Contours. CERTIS 04-01, May 2004. (.bib)
  • [INRIA5321] Pons, J.-P. and Keriven, R. and Faugeras, O. Modelling dynamic scenes by registering multi-view image sequences. INRIA 5321, 2004. (.bib)
  • [INRIA4587] Pons, J.-P. and Hermosillo, G. and Keriven, R. and Faugeras, O. How to deal with with point correspondences and tangential velocities in the level set framework. INRIA 4857, 2003. (.bib)
  • [CERMICS221] Keriven, R. A variational framework to shape from contours. CERMICS 2002-221, 2002. (.bib)
  • [CERMICS195] Bouvier, D. and Keriven, R. Méthodes intégrales pour le problème direct de la magnéto-électro-encéphalographie tridimensionnelle. CERMICS 2000-195, Oct 2000. (.bib)
  • [INRIA3673] Faugeras, O. and Clément, F. and Deriche, R. and Keriven, R. and Papadopoulo, T. and Roberts, J. and Viéville, T. and Devernay, F. and Gomes, J. and Hermosillo, G. and Kornprobst, P. and Lingrand, D. The inverse EEG and MEG problems: The adjoint space approach I: The continuous case. INRIA 3673, May 1999. (.bib)